Every year I write New Year’s Resolutions and every summer I come back to them and am generally happy with how I have done. This is my fourth time sharing my goals with you – 2013, 2014, and 2015 – and they have ranged from hyper-specific to vague and overarching. This year’s three goals are somewhere in the middle.
(1) Say yes more often. I am a very busy person and I like to stick to my routines but this year I resolve to take advantage of the amazing opportunities I have living in New York City. Whether this is last minute tickets to a Broadway play, an extra ticket to a black tie fundraiser, or something I have not even thought of yet this year I am going to be more open, willing to deviate from the norm, and say yes to more things.
(2) Stop complaining about things I have no control over. I already know this is going to be a hard one. In the back half of 2015 I tired to start working on it but I am going to make a more concerted effort in 2016. There are tons of things I gripe about on a regular basis and while some are valid and I can work to fix, others I can not impact. At all. Like Monday’s. The fact that 14% of days are Monday’s – they come every week and I can not do anything about it, so stop I am going to stop complaining about them.
(3) Become the best version of myself. My fitness journey is about 50% of the way done in terms of the weight I would like to loose to but then it becomes about maintaining it. Along with this big goal I would also like to be a better daughter, sister, friend, confident, and coworker.
These three goals are actionable but do not necessarily have by a clear metric of success and that I am okay with. I will check in six months from now and let you know how I am doing!
Do you have New Year’s Resolutions?

Trang Do says
Love your resolutions!! Happy New Year!!!
Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Laura Kathleen says
Your goal about Mondays is great! It’s totally true, there’s nothing we can do and they are over before you know it! No point in complaining! Happy New Year!
Laura | Laura Aime Vous
Kristie says
great resolutions!
Hannah says
What lovely resolutions / goals for 2016 🙂 hope you have a wonderful year xoxo
we are dannah | australian lifestyle blog
Andrea Bai says
I totally need to do #1. Happy New Year love!
Keri says
Happy new year! These are awesome goals. Definitely need to follow the say “yes” more often rule!
Enclothed Cognition
jessica says
I’ve made one goal to do all things with more passion! Cheers to 2016!
xo, Jessica || The Petite Diaries
Ashlee says
New York is amazing I live in Philly and going into the city is one of my favorite things!!