You have humored me when I want to pose for pictures even before I had a blog. Sure you roll your eyes and often you have to wait to eat your food but you do it because you love me. And I love you back!
Kev, I am so glad you decided to follow me to college (even though I am sure you would not phrase it that way) and overlapping with you for two years was a blast. Not that many people get along with their siblings as well as we do! Hoya Saxa!
Kev, no matter how tall you get, you will always be my “little” brother. Sure, younger may be the more appropriate term but I like little. Just as an FYI, 6’4″ is tall enough, you can stop growing now. And thank Mom for having us take all of those vitamins!
At some point you will no longer be “Kelly’s brother” and I would love if you could let me know when that happens. Until then, I am proud of the the association.
Mom and Dad were way more lenient towards you during your teenage years as I was the trailblazer for all of the do’s and don’ts. You are welcome.

Angela says
This is awesome! I hope my kids keep a close relationship like that
Happy Birthday Kevin!!
Meagan says
Awe, this is great! My brother and I are also close in age, and despite or distance, are really close!
Regine says
How sweet
Mitha Komala says
there is nothing better than a sibling who understands you inside out! happy birthday to your bro 😀
To Juliet
Sarah C says
awww, so cute! My brother and I are 9 months apart, and are the best of friends too! (p.s. we’re both adopted, my parents were not bunnies )
Fabrizia Spinelli says
These old pics are adorable!
Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???
Kristen Warren says
this is so cute! love all the pics. my little bro is 11 months younger than me and about a foot taller, but he’ll always be my little bro! happy birthday to your bro!
Pamela Baker says
Awww this is so sweet!! Happy birthday, to your brother!!