A few weeks ago I featured the outfit I wore to the Hampton Court Flower Show which you can find here and I promised to do a large recap on the event itself – well today is the day, a full recap of the 2019 RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show which ran from July 2nd to July 7th.
I am not sure exactly what I was expecting from this flower show – but I think it was more actual flowers and less full blown gardens and exhibitions (think patio furniture or lawn equipment). Granted, I could have Googled it before I went or looked at pictures but I was with my family and when I am with them, I knew anything we got up to was going to be a good time. (Heck, on our previous trip we still had a blast biking in the New Forest even though it was freezing and pouring rain).
We headed down to Hampton Court and had a 20 minute walk through the town, the castle grounds, and the gardens of Hampton Court before arriving at the entrance of Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. There we buy a very helpful guide book which contained a map and went off exploring. I liked the contemporary gardens, the orchid hall and the Festival of Roses as we ducked in and out of tents.
Probably the most exciting aspect of the day is that I signed up with my Mom to become members of the RHS, the Royal Horticultural Society is the world’s leading gardening charity; which has many perks but the one I am most excited about is the early access and members only tickets to the Chelsea garden show next year – it is going to be so much fun!
Does the Hampton Court Flower Show look like your cup of tea?

Pam says
I can’t decide which flowers I like better. I always love orchids, but those foxgloves are gorgeous and who knew there were so many types of roses.
Must have been so fun to walk around and just explore all the different types of flowers that they featured. I must have smelled really good too. The burst of colors just make me smile.
Emily says
Boy they sure know how to go over the top with their flower shows.
Simply stunning. I’d love to go to one one day..
Shelly says
For sure it does. Some of those displays were insane. I can’t even imagine how long it took them to put it together and then to have them stay fresh looking.
The bumble bee photo made me smile and that foxglove was a gorgeous color.
Looks like a wonderful family day!