Because my brain is on overload right now and I am so indecisive about which of my 102 draft posts should get the push into the land of published thoughts I am copying an idea from one of my favorites, Erin, for today. Besides actually becoming friends with bloggers in real life I am thankful for other people who come up with good ideas and do not mind when I shamelessly emulate. So without further ado, my current status on this last Friday of May:
Making: A list of items of items that I still need to pick up for my new apartment.
Cooking: Nothing. I am overdue for a trip to the grocery store but at the same time I am really trying to clear the cabinets before my move.
Drinking: Starbucks Venti Green Iced Tea – no water, no sugar – and lots of green juice.
Reading: Just finished Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. Very odd, definitely not my type of book.
Wanting: It to be the weekend already.
Looking: At apartments. Very small apartments.
Playing: 2048 – I am ashamed to admit that after weeks of trying I still have not beat the game.
Wasting: Time on Sporcle and BuzzFeed. Those two sites are my downfall.
Wishing: There was a Target close to my apartment.
Enjoying: Wearing dresses with out tights – they have been banished until fall.
Waiting: For my best friend to get here from England – she arrives Saturday morning, yay!
Liking: WordPress so far, especially the SEO plugins.
Wondering: How I did not know the part of eyeglasses that are called the temple.
Loving: That I still can use my college ID for student discounts.
Hoping: The NYC weather finally gets the memo and stays warm.
Marveling: At how small the world is – I found out two of the most unlikely people are friends.
Smelling: Clean sheets.
Wearing: This mitered stripe keyhole dress from LOFT and obsessing over how soft it is!
Following: Rules very rarely.
Listening: Luke Bryan’s That’s My Kind Of Night. No idea why. It is stuck in my head and thus it is on repeat at work.
Knowing: I need to get the ball rolling on my personal Google AdWords certification.
Thinking: I have laundry to do.
Feeling: The remnants of my Memorial Day sunburn.
Giggling: Over this video that is going viral. So adorable.
Bookmarking: Amazing outfits that Blake Lively has worn as she is my next Style Icon.
Needing: To order new blog business cards with my photo on them.
Opening: The packaging on new workout socks – they make all the difference!
So there you have it, a quick life update in not so many words. Even though this was a short week it certainly felt like it never ended. Here’s to a great weekend!

Madeline Mihaly says
student discounts for the win. and blake lively is my girl crush/obsession!
Maddy says
paul walker died when my niece was born. it seems like forever ago!
Sarah C says
this is a super cute post, I might have to copy, although most of the things I don’t have time to do, so it would just be blank, hehe. I JUST discovered 2048 last night, obsessed, it’s unhealthy really.
Sarah C says
and I sorta love that video of those kids dancing…
Katie Kate [Beauty at Law] says
This post is super adorable! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks the weather in the northeast needs to get it’s act together lol…. Cheers to more sunburns to come 🙂