One year ago today I checked into the hospital scared out of my mind. My tibia was disintegrating and I needed to have it repaired with plates, screws, and a cadaver bone. Let me tell you, a tibial plateau osteotomy is not something you want to wish on anyone. No, it is not cancer, but it stinks. The sun was not even up, I was not allowed to have coffee or put in my contacts and I knew I was in for a long and painful recovery from an accident which had happened 16 months before.
When I woke up from surgery, which took four hours, I understood how scary it is to wake up and not being abe to feel your legs. Thank you epidural. I am not going to bore you with the pain and misery of the four days in the hospital, but I do want to give a big thank you to the friends who visited me in the hospita and during the weeks where I was a permeant fixture on the couch at home. The flowers, candy, hugs, and laughs really helped the recovery process. I am not going to show you any pictures of the “before” or “dring” but this photo is from my third day of post-op.
Which leg was this on, you ask? Take a look and you tell me…
Why was my knee that swollen? Probably beacuse this is inside:
I had to do many things to get better including using this dreadful machine.
I spent six hours hooked up to this contraption a day to help my knee bend and get used to all of the metal.
I spent six hours hooked up to this contraption a day to help my knee bend and get used to all of the metal.
I figured while I was broken I could work on my tan, that went really well 🙂
Probably one of the only fun parts about knee surgery!
Probably one of the only fun parts about knee surgery!
I tried really hard to be fashionable, with my Jack Rogers, favorite silk top and even white skinny jeans. And yes, I am icing my knee with a bottle of vokda. Helene, this made me think of you.
Today also happens to be my parent’s weddings anniversary – congratulations mom and dad!

Alyssa says
I totally understand how you must have felt–what a scary thing to have happen to you! I’ve had 5 knee surgeries and they’re definitely no walk in the park (literally or figuratively). I have metal in my knee too–do you have a cool card for airports in case you go off in the metal detectors?!
Helene says
OMG!!! But looks like you knew exactly what you were doing- icing that with a bottle a vodka, I could not be more proud! I can say I kind of feel your pain on this with my whole ankle situation but this is just crazy! so sorry! glad you are doing much better!
Eva M. says
I hope u get well very very soon! Kisses from Greece!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
Mash Elle says
So sorry to hear you had to have surgery! Sending positive vibes for a speedy recovery 🙂
I’m a new follower – love your blog!
Alicia says
Sorry that you’re heart 🙁 But everything is a fashion moment! Do something yo your cast! Put ribbons around it or get metallic markers and draw on it. This can be a photo-op! Lol
Great post! And your blog rocks! Check mine out. Maybe we can follow each other 😀
Lattes & Lacee
Jill J @ Classy with a Kick says
Yuck…surgery sucks. It’s amazing how horrible it is and then how after a while, it’s just a thing of the past! I am glad you are back to normal…and of course that you got to tan during recovery. I tried to do the same thing after my surgery but it was too cold! I watched One Tree Hill instead. 🙂
Classy with a Kick
Cbiji Collection says
Wow! That’s intense. I would have been terrified! Haha, I wouldn’t have let knee surgery interfere with my tanning plans either! 🙂
borka gamero says
wishing you always the BEST AND many more years of love to your parents.
Kisses from Miami,
BonBon Rose Girls Kristin says
My mom had an ACL replacement a few months ago and had to use the same machine. I know it’s brutal!
Ileana says
Oh my!!!! I really hope you are better!!!
Anngelik Martinez says
Oh my, I would be so scared as well! It looks so painful, but I am glad you are felling way better!
Annie says
Aw you poor thing…glad that’s in your past! That tanning picture looks awesome, and happy anniversary to your parents 🙂
The Other Side of Gray
Raindrops of Sapphire says
Wow, I wish you a speedy recovery from that, that’s intense! I’m glad you aren’t letting it get you down though! Hopefully you can stop by my blog too!
Andrea Bai @ Glam Hungry Mom says
Ouch!!!! I am so glad you’re getting better. Poor thing 🙁
Sandra Martinez says
Hi dear!! Like always thanks for your sweet comment, I am delighted to know your opinion 🙂
I´m glad you are okay soon 🙂
I would love you to give me your opinion about my new post at;
Rachel says
Ouch. Your poor leg was so swollen. 🙁 I’m glad you’re better.
Michael says
Yikes! I’ve never had to have surgery and I’d like to keep it that way. Happy anniversary to yuor parents!!
FierceandFashionable says
You poor thing. I’m glad you are okay now!
Fierce & Fashionable
Rachel says
Oh my gosh! Well it looks like after a year you recovered well and you have a good attitude about it, too!
TheTinyHeart says
Oh my gosh, that must’ve been such a hard time for you. I’ve never had surgery before and I would’ve been scared outta my mind too! Glad that is all behind you now 🙂 Happy anniversary to your parents!
The Tiny Heart
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Kyra says
Merci for your lovely Comment! 🙂 Hope you are fine by now! This is a pretty hard procedure – but one must be strong and fight! Hope all your loved ones gave you the energy you needed! Love, Kyra
Danica Stark says
congrats to your parents and I do hope you are ok now
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Color-Block says
i’m sorry..i hope you get well soon
Vittoria @ The Beautiful Things says
wow, i feel your pain! congrats to getting better…fabulously 🙂
xoxo from nyc &