Big girl Lily! Oh my goodness, eight months?!? How am I already writing your eight month update, it seems like only a few months ago I was hitting publish on the last one. November was a fun and busy month for us, here is her monthly update:
Nicknames: Squishy, Monkey, and Big Girl. And as we spent over a week in Florida, “Lily bean” is what she was called by her Mimi.
Firsts: Not spending all day, every day with Lily has been quite a change but this was Lily’s first full month in nursery and I am happy to report she has been thriving. The week of November 20th she was marked “absent” as Lily went to Florida for the first time and celebrated her first Thanksgiving – and it was her first time trying turkey which she loved!
As her nursery is in central London the space to store prams during the day is limited so we have had to swap out our beloved Uppababy Vista2 during the week for the extremely portable BABYZEN™ YOYO² Stroller. We chose the teal color for the main pram and the black footmuff to help us differentiate from all of the other strollers at her nursery. And just to make sure no one else takes our stroller we have also added on our Uppababy Cozy Handmuffs which in their Noa (navy) hue, really make our stroller one of a kind.
This month Lily also went to her first museum exhibit – the David Hockney Lightroom at Coal Drop Yards and after the Young V&A in September, we are planning on bringing her to more this Winter! Lastly, while not an exciting first, it was Lily’s first time getting sick.
I feel like we tried nearly everything we could to make her better and found the combination of saline spray followed by the Frida Baby Nasal Aspirator very helpful (which we call the snot sucker) as well as Calcough Infant Syrup and this Vapour Plug & Nightlight.
Weight: She is 17.4 pounds and tracking well on the growth charts.
Length: We tried to measure her at home today and got 26 inches (66 cm) but we honestly could be off by an inch or two!
Teeth: Nope.
Loves: When I asked Mark what Lily has loved this month he had two immediate answers, Lily loves chewing on anything and everything – especially her Sophie La Girafe Giraffe Teether – and she LOVES looking around, my girl has major FOMO.
Hates: She still hates being left alone, especially when someone is playing with her and then stops. When my parent’s generously offered to babysit so Mark and I could have a date night I could hear Lily screaming her heart out when my Mom got off the play mat for legit 30 seconds to answer the phone …. baby drama queen? She also hates when she is put in her high chair and not immediately given food – this makes sense as she loves eating and associates the chair with meal time but still, we have learned we need to be really ready before we put her in.
New this month Lily DESPISED the snot sucker (see above) and honestly, I do not blame her. And similar to October Lily hates getting her nails trimmed, even with this electric one which means we can not cut her.
Memories I Never Want to Forget:
- Lily went swimming nearly everyday with her grandparents in Florida, both in the pool and in the hot tub set to baby temperature. She absolutely loves the water which makes both me and her grandpa particularly happy as we were both competitive swimmers.
- She can now sit up for nearly 10 minutes unassisted and does not even need to lean on her hands – an eight month milestone which she hit early!
- Mark and Lily watched the fireworks from our balcony for bonfire night (she was too little for the the 4th of July ones)
- Tried a new bath on holiday (this one) and while it looked similar to the one we have at home, the Shnuggle Newborn Baby Bath, she nearly climbed out on the first night!
- Lily got to see where Mummy and Daddy got married in Florida
- After a month at nursery Lily is starting to get rid of her stranger danger, letting new people hold her and smiling at people when they smile at her – everyone from her Mimi’s friends at her Florida sip-and-see to. the flight attendants on the plane.
And proof that my little girl is such a rolly-polly, this is how most of the photos on her blanket turned out this month.
Lily Harper, I can not believe you have nearly been out of Mummy’s tummy for as long as you were in and in many years when you read this, I hope you enjoy your eight month update!
Tammy says
Wow. This is so cute. Baby is growing up fast. Lily is lucky to have awesome parents
Alexandra says
Very nice to see how much she changes each month. You probably don’t see the changes that much every day so this is such a special way to see how much she has grown, added new facial features and movement.
Wow, she is a good eater and wonderful that she is eating so many different foods. I am taking notes for when one day I hope to be a mom and be half as good as you are.
sabrina says
Swimming, I guess that is not a big surprise to read about. I wonder how old she will be when she can swim by herself?
How old were you? When did you first get into the water?
Niomi says
Of course she will love reading this and all the blog posts about her. Who needs a baby book when you have all the photos and milestones documented so lovingly.
She is lucky to have you as a mom and you can feel the love you have for her just ozzing out. Not sure how to spell that word but you get it.
Corine says
Wow, time certainly is flying by.
I feel like I was just reading about your precious bundle of joy entering the world. She looks so happy and I know you and Mark are really good parents.
She is one lucky “Lily Bean”