I have mentioned the term London lockdown in 14 posts this year, and for that I apologize. The main reasons I have probably overused this phrase is because it is the largest theme and greatest thing affecting my life. However, I really should not say London lockdown this effects the whole country as unlike the US, we have a national plan. And today I wanted to share more details of England’s roadmap out of lockdown.
Though what confuses many is that while it’s the United Kingdom. One county with one passport and one prime minister – in some instances it’s four individual countries. Scotland has a first minister, as does Wales and Northern Ireland. And if you ask Mark, they are separate as the four all have rugby teams that are individual teams in the six nations tournament. Without getting into politics the first ministers can make Certain rules about certain things – the NHS is the national health care device for all of them though the leaders can make changes to the rollout.
So today I am going talk about the England plans that affects London and me. Since the start of the year we have been in an official stay at home order. And that ended yesterday! 👏🏻👏🏻 this is an especially big deal as Easter is this weekend and that’s a four day weekend here. But enough about that: here is the is the official roadmap out of lockdown:
There are so many positive things on the list above but the ones I am most excited about are seeing people in person, the gyms reopening, and slowly being able to travel again. Of course this plan is pending the vaccine rollout, infection rates, hospitalization and more however, so far so good and fingers crossed it stays on track. If you want to see where the information above came from you can read the full government guidance here.
Does this make my comments about London lockdown a bit clearer?
Rory says
Ugh, with your love of travel this must be even harder for you!
Nancy says
Wishing we had more clarification here in Canada about the timing of events from the government’s perspective.
We like you have been in lockdown with very stringent restrictions.
Christie says
I had no idea you have not been allowed to leave the house for months – that must have been so hard!
You must have felt like a prisoner in your own house.
TAMMY says
I agree here. The US has no national plan to fight covid. Its left up to the individual states. NYC many places were shut, Tampa Florida meanwhile almost everything open. That is why everyone here is going to Florida, Texas and other southern US states because of the lack of restrictions for vacation. Boyfriend and I went to vacation in Florida recently and it was normal life for the most part. Some places we were asked to wear a mask. We found out that Boyfriend caught Covid but had no symptoms. Lucky him. He has natural immunity so he doesn’t have to wear a mask anymore unless he is forced to or worry about vaccines either. We would dred lockdown but boyfriend would like it for empty streets (faster bike rides) and hate it because everything is closed and he can’t do nothing. My view for US lockdown if its done right it might have worked. Boyfriends view leave everything open and hope for the best. I guess you are still working at home all the time. We travel to work 1 to 2 days a week and work from home the rest of the week.
Laurie says
This is super organized, I wish we had something like this.
It is hard to make plans and anticipate life.
Rachel says
No idea you had so many rules. Do US news certainly is not covering this. Probably why you’re in such a better shape than Italy, Germany, or France.