I have a big birthday in 10 days and now is a time to look back. I first published this list five years ago and while I am pleased I have managed to cross some things off, there are quite a few I have to get going on. Oh, and after half a decade, some I have completely taken off the list.
( ) Visit every continent
( ) Attend the Olympics
( )Taken a vacation without really knowing the destination, going on a whim.
( ) Witness a solar eclipse
( ) Buy a house
( ) Marry the man of my dreams *coming soon
( ) Go sky diving
( ) Swim with sharks
( ) See a shooting star
( ) Watch a spaceship take off
( ) Find a four leaf clover
( ) Buy a round the world ticket
( ) See a lunar eclipse
( ) See the Russian Ballet Live
( ) Attend a film premiere
( ) Swim in a bio luminescent lake
( ) Watch a Sumo match
( ) Send my parents on vacation
( ) Send a message in a bottle
( ) Drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road in either Australia or the UK
( ) Protest something I really care about
( ) Buy an item created by Karl Fabrege (see my fascination here)
( ) Reach the age of 100
( ) Have my portrait painted
( ) Be an extra in a film
( ) Learn how to take a compliment
( ) Have a beautiful garden
( ) Shower in a waterfall
( ) Donate money and put my name on a college scholarship
( ) Own a convertible
( ) Have at least two children
( ) Become a wine expert
And this one is just off the list now, ( ) Go on a blind date, because of this. And some of the ones that I am taking off because I think now they are just too odd or I am really not interested in doing:
( ) Fire a cannon
( ) Make the front page of a national newspaper
( ) Read every Pulitzer prize winning
( ) Pay for a meal with coins only
( ) Write a book / bestseller
( ) Be part of a flash mob
( ) Learn to whistle with two fingers
( ) Learn how to take a compliment
( ) Finish a triathlon
( ) Learn Spanish
And when I originally published this list I had a number of items already crossed off so you did not think I was missing any of the “big ones’. Those are below along with items from the original list I have ticked off:
(*) Live in a different country for at least 6 months
(*) Publish an article about my travels
(*) Learn to Develop Photos in a Dark Room
(*) Fly on a helicopter
(*) Go water-skiing
(*) Go down a black diamond snow-skiing
(*) Travel in a hot air balloon
(*) Seen whales in the ocean
(*) See and hear a glacier calf
(*) Ride on an elephant
(*) Achieve a Bachelors Degree
(*) Swim with dolphins
(*) Send a message in a bottle
(*) Eat at Mc’Donalds when the menu isn’t in English
(*) Stay in a hostel
( ) Photograph an endangered species in the wild

I reserve the right to add more in the future…in terms of Bucket Lists I believe your list should grow as you do! I would love to know, what is on your personal bucket list?

Tori says
I need to learn how to take a compliment too. Let me know if you figure it out.
Great list.
Ari says
I want to go to Greece, specifically Santorini .
Also Lisbon after reading your blog post on it.
Maybe stay in an over water hut in Tahiti.
Beverly says
You sure did get a lot accomplished and now you are inspiring me to make a bucket list. Must be fun to make the list and gratifying to see all that one gets to cross off.
I am going to steal a few from your list. I have always thought about sky diving but am just too chicken nor do I want to break my leg or hurt something so I am going to keep that one off the list for now.