I was absolutely delighted when the lovely Lauren from Fizz & Frosting nominated me for the Liebster Award! Her blog is one of my daily reads, so I was extremely flattered that she chose me! I was nominated a while ago for this award when I had less than 200 followers (which was only 12 days ago, I can not believe how fast my blog is growing). But with Hurricane Sandy and everything else going on in my life it fell to the way side. Now, I am so happy to do a blog post about this! (and very happy to have Internet for the first time in two days)!
The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. RULES: 1. Each person posts 11 things about themselves 2. Answer the questions the nominator made for you, and create 10 more questions for the blogs you nominate. 3. Choose nominations and link them to your post. 4. Go to their page and tell them.
Eleven random facts about me: Hmm, where to start-this is certainly going to be a bit all over the place
- I don’t have a “grandma” but I have a Nana and a Meme both of whom I love very much.
- I use Aquaphor everyday and I do not know what I would do without it.
- I write thank you notes for everything, my mother taught me well.
- I prefer vacationing to somewhere warm instead of cold.
- I try to sleep at least 8 hours every night – beauty rest is important!
- My favorite candy can not be found at most stores but I like it that way because it is more of a special treat when I find red licorice wheels.
- My favorite vegetable is asparagus.
- My brother Kevin and I are 18 months apart and I love him dearly – I really hope he moves to New York City after he graduates college.
- I salt everything.
- Josh Harnett was my first serious crush.
- I think pearl studs go with any outfit.
10 Questions from Lauren:
1. What made you decide to start blogging? As a creative outlet for all of my thoughts, ideas, and passions. My first blog post was actually an explanation of why I began blogging.
2. How did you come up with your blog name? This was actually a recent decision to change the name of my blog. It was originally “A Few of My Favorite Things”, so when creating the name of my blog I made a very long list of my favorite things and then paired up alliterations. “Sparkles and Shoes” was my favorite because of the way it sounded together and because they are definitely two of my favorite things.
3. Who is your style icon? Jackie O. The First Lady was incredibly classic and poised, but had absolutely amazing clothes. My mother took my to see her clothes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art when I was 10 and it is still one of the best exhibits I have ever seen, well, besides the Fabregé Eggs at the Vatican Museum.
4. Where is the farthest from home you’ve ever traveled? After I graduated high school I went on Safari for three weeks in the south of Africa. The furthest I have ever been is the Cape of Good Hope which is the southern most point of the continent. I actually took a photo of the sign that told me how far I was from home, an astonishing 7,792 miles! It was a truly amazing trip that I hope to do again!
5. If you were forced to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would you chose? (For vanity’s sake, we’ll say it wouldn’t affect your girlish figure.) Dark chocolate in all it’s forms
6. Do, Dump, Marry: Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Jake Gyllenhall Do: (pass), Dump: Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhall, Marry: Bradley Cooper! He is definitely the most attractive of the three and we share the same alma matter!
7. When you were little, what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? A thought I would be a banker like my dad, but I wanted really badly to be a dolphin trainer.
8. Besides blogging, what are your other hobbies? Photography, baking, scuba diving, collaging, trying new things, bike riding, and traveling.
9. Name a goal of yours for the upcoming year. Visit all five boroughs of New York City and do all of the “touristy” things on my list including Coney Island, the Brooklyn Flea Market, and Arthur Avenue in the Bronx
10. If you could go back and offer a younger version of yourself advice, what would it be? Don’t sweat the small stuff, and is mostly all small stuff.
10 Questions for Nominees:
- What is your favorite beauty product?
- Gold or silver?
- Three favorite online shopping websites.
- What is something you learned recently?
- Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer?
- What is your favorite cereal?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you go? Why?
- What pair of shoes do you wear the most?
- What did you laugh about today?
- What three things do you make sure you always carry with you?
I nominate:
Alyssa from The Glossy Life
The Cute Couple from She Said He Said
Lily from Fancy No Pants
Jenny from Rock n Roller
Roxy from RoxtheFox
tripping tiffies says
I’m so jealous! I’ve seen so many awesome bloggers get this award!
Lauren says
YAY! I’m so glad you participated! I can’t wait to go check out the other blogs you nominated! 🙂
Fizz and Frosting
Cassandra Too says
Oh wow, congratulation! you deserve it! 😀
Meanwhile Kelly-Ann, I would like you and your readers to come join us in fun events organized by our Bloggers Against Social Injustice committee & also at the same time do your part and spread the words of a good cause.
We are the new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network for fashion bloggers to come together to make this world a better place.
You can let the unheard voices be heard by a click away! 😀
Website: http://bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com
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I hope to see you there! 🙂
Bloggers Against Social Injustice
Lian says
Congrats kelly!! i love reading these, it is interesting!
Susie says
I use aquaphor constantly too – can’t live without it!
Sea and Swank
Stefania says
Congrats dear!Kisses
she.is.the.one says
Nice post dear 🙂
Join Estée Lauder Giveaway on my blog 🙂
The Fashion Milkshake says
Great post!
Congrats girl you deserve it !!
Great to know a little more about you 🙂
Heather says
Congrats girl! And I totally agree… pearls go with everything 😉
Pearls & Paws
Estilo Hedónico says
Great! 🙂
Mira says
Congrats on the Liebster award <3
rxforfashion says
Congrats! I lve your experience going to Cape of Good hope! I’m sure it was a trp of a lifetime.
Pls. check out some of my looks on BestTrendsForever.com
Rebekah Douglas says
Congrats on getting this award!
NaNa says
Congrats! Great to know more about you, and have to agree, Jackie O was most definitely a style icon!
Love from the NaNa girls xoxo
Jessica Cai says
Congrats on your award! loved learning more about you 🙂 followed you back! xo jess
t says
Congrats on the blog award!
ChrissyAi says
I love reading these and learning more about bloggers! I agree with you on Bradley Cooper, haha. (:
Katie says
i love your blog name! and my husband would love to be a dolphin trainer or anything with animals even now!
Marisa says
My mom was the same way about thank you notes. I always make my fiance feel guilty if he tries to get away with not writing them!
Carly says
Hi, great blog 🙂
how did you sign your name at the bottom like that…i have wanted to do it but dont know how??
Kelly Ann says
What is your email? I will give you step by step instructions!
Lily McNamara says
Thank you so much for the nomination, Kelly!! Look out for my post on the Liebster Award this week. Also, Josh Hartnett was my first real crush too 🙂 xx
Fancy {No}Pants
alongobucco says
Thank you so much, Kelly! You are so sweet–love your blog! xo
The Glossy Life
Lavender Loafers says
Congrats!!!!!!! I would like to be nominated too:)
NewLife says
Congrats on the Liebster award – I love reading these 🙂
PinkPanthress says
Omonom… did I hear Asparagus? 😉
Congrats on the Award.
These answer were indeed informative!
Follow the Royal Peach
Sola ante el espejo says
Cute post. Nice blog. Follow each other?
N@NY says
am happy for you , very excited am sure , great answers by the way .
Jessica says
congratulations! i tried aquaphor for a long time
Cê says
Congratulations 😉