When someone asked this week how old Lily was and I mentioned her 10 month birthday was coming up they said, “oh, then she’s almost one!”. Eek, nooo!!! My baby! But it is true, we are now in double digit months which means Lily’s first birthday in March will likely be here before we know it.
Nicknames: Squishy, Monkey, and Big Girl seem to be the standard three. There were no new ones this month but as Lily’s cousins only called her “Baby Lily” over Christmas I now sometimes call her that too.
Firsts: Celebrated Lily’s 10 month birthday today with her first Sunday roast and trip to the Hawksmoor, her Daddy’s favorite steak place in London. Lily did not have the steak but enjoyed the carrots from our plates as well as her own food; cucumber sticks, banana porridge, and Babybell cheese among others.
In terms of milestones while Lily is not fully crawling she is certainly on the move and getting stronger everyday. She now knows how to go from sitting to lying to rolling and can make it across the room. Speaking of sitting we are done with baby bathtubs in our house as Lily is sitting up fully in the bath – you go girl! She also stands on her mat while holding on to the couch and also practices standing while holding on to our fingers. She can also crawl backwards especially when wearing a baby grow which allows her to slide on her tummy. By the end of the month Lily also learned how to wave and how to clap when imitating a parent, sometimes.
We could go on and on but on the “has she by one year … “ checklist we can now cross off learning how to turn the pages of a book, she helps Mark with reading and sometimes just snaps the book shut. In the last week Lily has just started to engage with her first stuffed animal, her Jellycat monkey, which Mark and I bought her while I was pregnant and this makes her Daddy very happy. My big girl!
In one not so happy first Lily had her first full blown illness – she got chicken pox at nursery and we quickly learned all about the stages of the dreadful red spots. Luckily she did not get too bad of a case but it was still so hard to watch and definitely threw a wrench in our plans for a week or two.
Weight: 18lbs 3oz. And while that sounds specific this was a weight done on the home scale with Mark holding her and then not. Closer to her first birthday we will have an official checkup.
Length: 27.56″ (We got 70cm when we measured her on the rug at home, but again, not very precise).
Teeth: TWOOOOO!!!! Finally! While we thought she was getting teeth over the Summer she wasn’t but two have finally jut through those bottom gums. I am glad she is not in teething pain anymore but I will miss my baby’s gummy little smile. This has also come with LOTS of dribbling.
Loves: Play time on her mat might be the best part of the day. She now has more than a dozen toys to choose from and has figured out how to scoot / pivot / roll to her toy corner to get to all of these options. Lily loves the stacking toy she got from her grandma for Christmas and bringing the wooden pieces together in a clapping like motion to hear the sound.
Lily also loves playing with the wooden balls and Ball Drop Box from the Lovevery Inspector Play Kit and generally banging things together to hear the noise they make. She has had a blast this past month jumping in her Fisher-Price Jumperoo and seems to try to see just how high she can bounce – so cute to watch!
Lily has been a good eater since she started solids but in the last month she has developed a strong affinity towards fruit, especially berries. When she sees fruit, before she even holds or tastes it she breaks into a smile and starts waving her arms and kicking her legs in excited anticipation. This also applies to all types of melon and holy cow, watermelon goes everywhere.
After a few months off Lily and I have started swim lessons again and it makes me so happy she still loves the water. We only go once a week but she also loves her nightly bath and showing us how she can splash-splash-splash water with her hands (and sometimes feet).
Hates: Being left alone. This is hands and shoulders above any other, and within a few seconds of parents walking out of the room screaming will be triggered. This stops when someone comes back in the room. Lily hates “nap time” if she’s not tired and when she can’t get ahold of her hands.
Memories I Never Want to Forget:
- After ten months tonight was my last night of breastfeeding or “mommy milk”. I am glad I was able to do this for her for so long and for one of the last times I flashed the smart lights in the living room and Mark came to pick up our sleepy baby and transfer her into the crib.
- Lily has the most contagious giggle which we get to see a few times a day, especially when her tummy is tickled and one or twice we have seen a full belly laugh where her whole body shakes in happiness.
- When playing sometimes Lily’s rolling gets super speedy and her barrel rolls take her off the playmat and onto the wooden floor.
This was definitely the longest Lily update so far so if you have made it to here, thank you and you must love my Lily girl as much as I do! For more Lily you can follow along with the updates I post on Instagram as well as photos and her favorites on my Like to Know It profile!

Kelsey . says
What a cutie pie and boy does she look like her dad. I can’t wait to see as she gets older. If she will start to look a bit more like you and what she would look like with a little bit more hair.
She is precious and I love those blue eyes
Roberta says
Teeth! How exciting. Has she been in a lot of pain? I remember my little one when she caught her first ones and she just drooled constantly and it was so hard for her to eat. But once they came through, it was delightful as she could start eating a lot more foods. Congratulations on 10 months.
Bernadine says
I’m sure those belly laughs are just priceless to watch. It is so wonderful to see a baby so happy and showing so much emotion.
I can only imagine what she will start saying when she starts babbling her first few words.
She’s getting so big and congratulations on such a milestone.
Mona says
So hard to believe 10 months has flown by. She’s such a happy little munchkin and so beautiful. You must pinch yourself every day on the little miracle that you and Mark have brought into the world. I wish you nothing but future happiness.