Welcome to Lily’s five month update! Since Lily was born on March 28th I post these updates on that day of the month but I have also been making photo books each month with my favorite memories and aligning them to each month which in my mind is close enough. For some reason when writing this post I thought about a Taylor Swift lyric, “a nightmare and a daydream wrapped up in one.” and while I would never call my little girl a nightmare directly some days are really HARD. Lily teething is just so horrible because I can tell my little girl is in a crazy amount of pain and there is only so much I can do. I could keep going but instead I want to share her five month update.
Nicknames: Squishy, Monkey, Lily Girl, Blue Eyes, Silly Lily, and Big Girl.
Firsts: It was another big month of travel. – she went on her first trip to Paris which included her first long train journey and we went to the Cotswolds for a long weekend which was Lily’s first time to that gorgeous region and included her first long country walk. Lily got her first certificate because we completed a four week baby massage class which she loved. She has started to sit up assisted both in her Bumbo and in our laps. She has also started facing forward for short periods of time in the carrier as she so badly wants to see the world.
While not typically old enough Lily also had her first solid foods this month on the guidance of her pediatrician. I don’t want to go into any more about medical things but she has tried carrots, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower so far. It is a messy and adorable ordeal but loves holding her own spoon and attempting to feed herself.
Weight: Close to 14 pounds
Length: She was 25 inches the last time we measured her.
Teeth: Lily still has 0 but the health visitor thinks 4 are coming in and I’ve linked a few of the items saving us on this journey, from baby medicine to teething toys, here.
Loves: It makes my heart happy that she loves the sound of my voice and as I am still exclusively breastfeeding (minus a few tablespoons of solids) she also loves popsicles of frozen breast milk. Similarly with her teething she loves toys she can chew on, especially if they are cold. When not in pain she also loves squeaky, rattle, or crinkle noises especially those made by her big Sophie, squeaky balls, crinkle book.
I don’t want to jinx it but while bad at daytime naps Lily now regularly sleeps through the night and loves very dark rooms, white noise and being in her sleep sack. This month she has really loved trying to grab things we are holding – everything from food and cell phones to things she should touch like Clorox / Dettol wipes. When upset the rugby hold and nursery rhymes tends to calm her down and you can usually find Lily chewing on her fingers. Lastly her love of being in the Babybjorn carrier and playing In her BabyBjörn Bouncer with the baby bouncer toy bar.
Hates: I know I have mentioned it a few times but Lily HATES when teething pain kicks in. She also loves being left alone for too long or any extended tummy time. While peekaboo is a new activity that makes her giggle she still hates when anything is over her head for too long – from clothing to cloth muslins.
*New* Memories I Never Want to Forget: While the categories above are great I also want to add a few other things that don’t fit into the categories above. While only on the 25th percentile for weight her chunky baby thighs and the best thing ever to squish. She has grown out of all 0-3 clothes and now at least half 3-6 clothes between her length and chunky thighs. It is amazing when she sits on our laps through meals – hello hot food – and the way she looks at her Daddy makes my heart melt. I also love the way she smiles when she sees Mommy or Daddy, especially when she wakes up from a nap.
At 766 words this is definitely one of my longest posts of 2023 so far but I definitely could write twice as much – clearly my Lily girl is one of my favorite topics 🙂 Overall it has been another fun and busy month with our Lily girl as I think you can tell from this five month update!