I thought it was annoying when parents caption photos “time is flying” or “time, slow down” but now I get it. It has been one month since Lily was born and while I’m beyond tired it feels like it has flown by. I rarely know what day of the week it is but it is hard to believe it’s been 31 days that she’s been outside my tummy. Despite the insane exhaustion it truly has been a wonderful month.
It’s a difficult thing to decide how much to share about your baby online but I have decided to share some things but not others. For the time being I am only going to post things that I wouldn’t mind my parents sharing about me and when Lily looks at these posts in 10+ years hopefully nothing she would be embarrassed about. Before I get going on this update I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to friends and family for all of the sweet gifts. I’ll do a round up at some point, but until then, a few facts about Lily Harper for her one month update:
Nicknames: Lily Girl, Monkey, Squish
Firsts: Nearly everything! But the milestones based on the prompts in her baby book – met friends and family, had her first bath, and went on her first overnight trip.
Weight: TBD, she has not been weighed recently but we are very happy by day 12 she was back above her birth weight!
Length: TBD, we only officially know her birth length and she will be measured again at her 6-week appointment. However, if I had to guess it’s at least an inch longer than when she was born as she’s nearly too long for her tiny baby clothes.
Teeth: Lily has 0 teeth.
Loves: Eating, being cuddled, playing with her hands, looking at her black and white cards, and the sounds from her white noise machine and Ewan the sheep.
Hates: When her nappy isn’t changed fast enough, actually being changed (aka being cold), and waking up hungry.
If you want to see more, I have been sharing additional snaps on Instagram and my favorites are saved in the “Lily Harper” highlights! I am planning on making this a regular series so based on this one month update let me know if there are other categories I should add in for next time!

TAMMY says
What a cute baby. Baby head looks content and happy. Babies are so much fun at this stage. My sister’s baby is about 2.5 months old and she has so much fun. I baby sat for her this weekend and it was so much fun.
Linda Hilliard says
Wonderful Kelly, she is simply precious! So happy for you and Mark.
Alexandra says
She is such a cutie pie and I have been following you on insta and love your stories too…. so much fun for you.
I can’t wait to be a mom myself and since I adore your travel tips I look forward to hearing all of your baby tips too.
So happy for you and Mark. Congratulations.
Nora says
She’s so big and beautiful.
Thanks for sharing and congratulations again.
What’s the best thing about Miss Lily?