Introducing Lily Harper 💞 This is hands down best post I’ve ever published in 10+ years of Sparkles and Shoes, our daughter is here! Mark and I had a short list of names but wanted to wait until she was born to pick one out. Neither Lily nor Harper are family names, they are two we found pretty and both agreed on.
Our little girl was born at 2:31am on Tuesday, March 28th and we could not be more in love. The UK health care system is very different from the US but both Lily and I have been very well looked after both in the hospital and by the midwives who have come to visit us at home. It has been a hazy, sleep deprived week and a half but we could not be happier.
Lily had a chance to meet both set of grandparents as well as an aunt, uncle, and her three cousins. To say she has been cuddled a ton is an understatement but it is so great to see how much her extended family adores her – she is certainly very loved!
On a bit of a somber note, as I mentioned in these posts, babies do not replace babies and Lily Harper will grow up knowing all about her older sisters Charlotte and Grace. They will always be looking down at her from heaven and always in our hearts.
As one friend mentioned, a new mum should try and sleep when the baby sleeps but I’m finding that hard because all I want to do is stare at her. However, I’m going to try and do this over the next few weeks so bare with me as I get into the hang of things with a newborn but I promise sparkles and shoes will be back with fashion and travel posts in no time.

Jessie says
You’re little nugget is adorable.
Such a cute little lips and cozy position. I bet she smells amazing and all you want to do is cuddle with her all day long. Congratulations on creating such a gorgeous human being. So happy for you.
Farah says
Such a wonderful blog post to read from you. Oh what a little cutie pie, she is adorable. For sure I understand why all you want to do is gaze down at her and soak up all the love and cuddles you can get.
So happy for you !
Tabitha says
What a sweet photo and congratulations on your bundle of joy. I’m so thrilled for your husband.
I wish you much joy and look forward to seeing future pictures of Lily as she grows. Is she going to have sparkles and shoes?
Emily says
It is hard to put down that precious bundle.
She is so perfect and congratulations on such a beautiful little girl.
TAMMY says
Kelly. Congrats to you and Mark. The baby looks so cute and happy.