Happy Friday, does anyone else feel like it’s been a very long short week? A few days ago while I was taking a ton of photos someone asked what they were for and I told them about the blog. Then they asked what I write about on Sparkles & Shoes and I usually say, “fashion, travel, and lifestyle” to answer that question. If people give me a confused look, l usually tell them that every Friday I post a new outfit. And that they understand, welcome to the latest edition of Fashion Friday.
Two weeks ago as England began to reopen Mark and I went to the London Science Museum and this is what I wore. And I refer to this jacket, I call it coral. It is a good Spring or Fall transitional jacket as it is light weight and packs a great pop of color. When I purchased it in a store in New York I could have sworn it was listed as coral but last weekend someone told me they liked my orange jacket and I was almost insulted. I do not like the color orange, especially for clothing, and do not own anything orange. To me, this jacket is coral.
And as hues that are opposite on the color wheel are complimentary I chose to pair the coral jacket with a blue and white dress. This dress is one of my favorites that I shared in my 2019 post Really Love My … Ellie Kai Dress. Sadly it looks like the company is now out of business.
Jacket |
Dress | Earrings | Kate Spade Faux Pearl Studs
Bag | Nails | Kiss Impress Nails in Pale Pink
Shoes | Caprice Ankle Boots in Navy
Oberal it was a great day out and I am hoping there are many more warm weather London adventures in my near future. But now for the most important question as we head into the weekend – do you think this a coral jacket or is it orange?

Penelope says
Orange… reminds me of a Yankee Candle that I have called Pumpkin spice. I can almost smell it right now.
Cute look and I would love to see the houses behind that door. What a cool address.
Glad you had a lovely outing.
Missy says
Funny, until you mentioned the choice of color I really didn’t place it in my mind I just thought that you looked really cute.
Upon closer inspection I am going to go with coral. To me, orange is a bit closer to pumpkin color and I would not think it is close to pumpkin.
Wonder what most of your readers will think?
Alice says
Your legs look fantastic in these photos and your work out regime is paying off.
Not sure which color I think it is. It seems to change in the light a bit. Whatever color you call it it works on you.
Justin says
Such a cute jacket on you. You should wear that color more often.