Today marks three years of living abroad. Three years or 27 months (one of my favorite numbers as I was born on the 27th) that is a long time in some regards but in others, not so much. When I decided to move to London I really had no idea how long it was going to be for but today I am more than half way through my original visa stay and I have no plans right now to leave.
Last year I reflected back on what two years meant to to me and at the time was quite sad I was unable to spend the milestone in Portugal as I had planned. Who would have known a year later that travel would still be massively effected. Heck, the world is still massively effected. However, as I shared in my lockdown reflect post the last year has had a few positives.
You would think after this amount of time I would be fully engrained into the British culture but at least a few times a week something surprises me. Whether it is a British term or traditional that I am not familiar with or I say something that does not resonate with the English. For instance, I was not ware of the tradition of picking out your own large chocolate Easter egg or the term Scouser, which is actually in the dictionary defined as a person from Liverpool. On the flip side I thought everyone knew what Life cereal was but apparently it is not a brand that made it across the pond. However, this is a breakfast cereal in England called Shreddies which is a similar lattices style wheat cereal.
All in all, I am not sure when these revelations will begin to fade out nor do I know how long I will be in the United Kingdom but for now, so far so good!
Do you have any questions about my time abroad?

Julie says
Two questions, First, do you have any regrets moving?
Second what has been the best thing, clearly aside from meeting your future husband which is pretty darn romantic in my book!
Kelly says
No regrets moving, there are a few things I would have done differently but overall moving was a great decision! And I love the experience to truly experience different cultures – people, languages, food, and more – it has really broadened my view of the world!
xx Kelly
Penelope says
You still are so brave to me moving to a new country and in effect starting a whole new phase of your life.
Do you still pinch yourself how well you have done and all of the places you have gotten to travel too?
I just love reading your blog an keep sharing it with all of my friends. I never know what is going to come up but I know that it will be good.
Kelly says
I do sometimes pinch myself, especially now that I can not travel. It was actually a trivia question in a work quiz last week and 70+ countries is quite a feat!
xx Kelly
Shelly says
You must miss seeing your family so much. I know how close you are and with the virus it must be extra tough that they can visit you and you to them as much as you would like.
Pauline says
That is a long time, I was wondering when you would come home!
Rachel says
Do you think you’re staying there for forever? I know you’re having so much fun there and it’s a beautiful place but making a permanent move is a really big step. Just curious.
Kelly says
I have no idea but right now I am just living one day at a time and my travel bucket list just keeps growing!
xx Kelly