Hello and welcome to Friday! After months of waiting tonight I board a plane headed Ireland and I am extremely excited. It is true, I have already been traveling quite a bit with New Orleans last weekend and a quick work trip to Seattle this week but I have been thrilled about my adventures in Ireland since I planned it two weeks after getting back from Spain in April.
One of the most exciting things I have planed is a two day trip to Galway with visits to the Cliffs Of Moher and Atlantic Edge Ocean Walk which you can read more abut it here! It is undoubtedly one of the most famous sights in the entire country and according to Google it is the number one point of interest. The other big trip I have planned is my visit to the House of Waterford Crystal where they make the world famous crystal and I am thrilled to go on a factory tour!
As I have mentioned before, I like to make sure I include a picture in every post and as I have never been to Ireland I do not have a fitting one to illustrate this post with so instead I have this picture I took Sunday night, somewhere over Louisiana. For when I do come back, one thing I am going to make a stronger effort to do on Sparkles and Shoes is not include any photographs that I did not take, even if I do source them properly. You all come for fresh, original content and that is what I want to give you!
During my time in Ireland I will be visiting all four regions of the country – Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster, with visits to the counties of Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Clare, Galway, Down, and Antrim. These nine days comprise two weekends and Columbus Day so it is actually only four days out of the office and I am going to try and squeeze as much in as possible. I am thankful to the friends who will water my plants while I am gone and check on my apartment while I am gone – S and C, you are the best!
I will be checking in from abroad on social media so make sure you are following along on social media and my Instagram or Snapchat, @kellydonlin, as those will be your two best sources for updates! And now I leave you with an Old Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Lucy says
I have been following along and your photos are incredible! I am so jealous!
head to toe chic says
Have an amazing time!!! Can’t wait to see your posts when you get back.
thehautecookie says
wow very cool! have a great trip! xO!
Suze - Luxury Columnist says
Ooh I read that blessing at my friend’s wedding – her then fiance is Irish – love it
Lauren says
are you going alone?
TAMMY says
Enjoy your trip to Ireland. Can’t wait to see your post. You have been all over the place in the last month. Don’t forget to blog while you are there.