Last week I over heard someone say, “I received too many birthday presents and don’t have a big enough bag to carry them.” I chucked to myself and then stopped. Really? Someone is complaining about too many presents…wow.
According to the almighty source, Wikipedia, “First World problem is a slang term used to refer to issues in First World nations that are complained about only because of the absence of more pressing concerns.” Yup, that about sums it up. Basically problems that are not real problems. The term was added to the Oxford Dictionary Online in November 2012. I did not create any of these memes nor do I own them, they are simply for viewing pleasure
And if these were not enough, I bring you the Top 100 First World Problems video:
What do you think is the ultimate first world problem?

Michael says
This is funny. I have a draft about first world problems.
Rubi Mancilla says
My ultimate first world problem is having a naturally amazing hair day…and it’s time for bed
Rachael Stone says
These are sadly all so true…
Misty, Handbags + Handguns says
I’ve got to agree with the sock one. There’s just nothing worse than stepping into something wet with your socks on. People are starving? Yes, but MY SOCKS ARE WET! 🙂
Chelsea says
The marker one…yes. hahah
Kate Jordan says
LOL I love these things! says
totally just LOLed for real on some of these! Pillows!! #thestruggleisreal
Tracy O'Neill says
Thanks for giving me back a little perspective on my “problems”! 🙂
Jessica says
These are so funny. And worst of all so true.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Madeline Mihaly says
love all these, they are all so true. wet socks though…those are the worst!
xo, Maddy
Becky Dougherty says
Too funny! And yet, all so true! 🙂
Kristen says
I bought three different iPhone chargers so that I would have one wherever I went and wouldn’t have to carry it with me, haha. So lazy.
Clever Girl Reviews says
Wet socks is a genuine issue! Not as bad as wet jeans!
Brittany conners says
Oh the laziness of us first worlders. I recently bought a bungee charger for my Iphone that reaches 6 feet so I can have access to it at all times instead of having to charge it and get up to grab it off the charger to use it . LAZYYYYYYYYY lol thanks for the humor in your post girl!
Niki Caron says
Haha I have that pillow problem nightly!
Sarah C says
Those made me laugh! Love it. The charger problem actually happened to me, except, I was sitting on the couch and the charger was on the coffee table in front of me and I was too comfy to get up to plug it in to the wall and then my computer!
Kate @ Green Fashionista says
Ughhh that happens to me all the time on Pandora. I always regret skipping or thumbsing down something for something even worse to come on and I’ve run out of skips 😛
Ellie says
Love these, always making me laugh even though I’m pretty guilty about the charger problem lol. Laziness level: 1000
The Grits says
HA!!! The yellow marker is one that I relate too on the reg!!
BeautyStyleGrowth says
These are funny. The pillow one is definitely my problem. Who would have know someone else had that problem besides me 😉
k at
Rachel says
hahaha that yellow marker one is so random but hilarious!
Catie says
Haha! I just used this phrase yesterday on my post. The memes are hilarious. I actually laughed out loud while reading some of them.