I got on my usual train, actually found a seat, which is no small feat, and immediately became engrossed in my fantastic book tape – The Jester by James Patterson in case anyone needs a good book – and playing Candy Crush. The first time I looked up, I froze. I had no idea where I was. Since moving to Brooklyn I have never missed my stop so I was clueless as to how far I had gone. I immediately got out and looked at the map – only one stop – good. I transferred to the other side of the platform and finagled my way home.
When I was half a block from my building I passed a woman standing outside in the frozen darkness offering perfume samples just outside her shop. As a New Yorker I NEVER say yes to people offering samples but this time I did, except instead of handing me a sample she sprayed me four times with the worst smelling perfume ever. UGH! I rushed home and once in my apartment immediately headed for the shower. Then I realized the day before at the drugstore I had bought two bottles of conditioner instead of one of each. Thank goodness for roommates.
All three are little mistakes but when combined it just seems like I couldn’t do anything right. I decided to write down this short anecdote and head to bed before I could trip up again. But there is one thing that always makes me feel better after I make a silly, avoidable mistake – knowing that people out there make bigger ones. And for that, I have to thank BuzzFeed for bringing all of these people and auto-corrects to my attention:
Thank you BuzzFeed for all of these great examples of others’ mistakes. They put a smile on my face and make me feel better about my mishaps. And I guess I will just have really soft hair!

Kristin Cantrell says
If you love wearing heels, you’ll be thrilled to read about this!
Kristin Cantrell says
If you love wearing heels, you’ll be thrilled to read about this!
Kelly says
Haha, thanks Janna!
Janna says
OH boy these are priceless!! We all have those kinds of days!
Janna says
OH boy these are priceless!! We all have those kinds of days!
Kelly says
Haha, thanks Janna!
Kelly says
Haha, I know, some people are so silly!
Kelly says
They make me feel so much better!
Emily F. says
Super funny! I especially loved the cat/sloth one! hahaha
Emily Finta says
Super funny! I especially loved the cat/sloth one! hahaha
Kelly says
Haha, I know, some people are so silly!
Jessica says
I have definitely been having my share of those days where I am continuously making mistakes.
I love the auto corrects. π
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Jessica says
I have definitely been having my share of those days where I am continuously making mistakes.
I love the auto corrects. π
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
Kelly says
They make me feel so much better!
Kelly says
Haha, and sloths and cats don’t even look alike!
Kelly says
Thanks Kristin!
Kelly says
It sure did make me feel better!
Kelly says
Kelly says
Me too. I like apple sauce though…
Kelly says
I spend wayyy too long on that site!
Kelly says
Me too, that is why I put it first!
Kelly says
Haha – SO much water!
Kelly says
That makes me feel so much better!
Kelly says
I will have to check that out!
Kelly says
That is one of my favorites!
Kelly says
Always! They make me feel better about my mistakes!
Kelly says
Thanks girl!
Helene says
hahaha oh love these. so holarious!
Becky Dougherty says
I love reading autocorrects. Makes for a good laugh! π
Helene says
hahaha oh love these. so holarious!
Kelly says
Thanks girl!
Becky Dougherty says
I love reading autocorrects. Makes for a good laugh! π
Kelly says
Always! They make me feel better about my mistakes!
Always Maylee says
These are hilarious and totally made my day. I love the squirrel one, I don’t know why, it just cracks me up!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Dara says
I love those. damn you autocorrect has some great ones too.
Amy Breckenridge says
the sloth/cat one cracked me up!!! i have days like this all the time…
Always Maylee says
These are hilarious and totally made my day. I love the squirrel one, I don’t know why, it just cracks me up!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Kelly says
That is one of my favorites!
Dara says
I love those. damn you autocorrect has some great ones too.
Kelly says
I will have to check that out!
Amy Breckenridge says
the sloth/cat one cracked me up!!! i have days like this all the time…
Kelly says
That makes me feel so much better!
Stephanie says
omg the celery one! Cracking up!
Rachel says
HAHAH that Hulu one made me laugh so hard for some reason
Stephanie says
omg the celery one! Cracking up!
Kelly says
Haha – SO much water!
Rachel says
HAHAH that Hulu one made me laugh so hard for some reason
Kelly says
Me too, that is why I put it first!
Alyssa says
Haha these types of buzzfeeds always crack me up…and make me feel better about myself!
Sharon says
I’ve seen the Motts Apple Sauce one before and the first time I read it I could not stop laughing!
The Tiny Heart
Necklace Giveaway!
Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache says
I laughed so hard with the motts apple sauce one. Hysterical
Diva In me says
Sometimes laughing over things like this is great. Makes us happy =)
Alyssa says
Haha these types of buzzfeeds always crack me up…and make me feel better about myself!
Kelly says
I spend wayyy too long on that site!
Sharon says
I’ve seen the Motts Apple Sauce one before and the first time I read it I could not stop laughing!
The Tiny Heart
Necklace Giveaway!
Kelly says
Me too. I like apple sauce though…
Kristin Cantrell says
Recently started following… love your site design!
Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache says
I laughed so hard with the motts apple sauce one. Hysterical
Kelly says
Diva In me says
Sometimes laughing over things like this is great. Makes us happy =)
Kelly says
It sure did make me feel better!
Kristin Cantrell says
Recently started following… love your site design!
Kelly says
Thanks Kristin!
Brittany Ruth says
Almost peed my pants when I read the sloth one.
Brittany Ruth says
Almost peed my pants when I read the sloth one.
Kelly says
Haha, and sloths and cats don’t even look alike!