On vacation with my family last week I had the opportunity to do something I have wanted to do for ages – whale watching! Over the course of the four hour trip I took over 330 photos of whales but I do not want to inundate you with all of them here. Instead, I am going to show you the best tail fluke photos and a collage I made of what it looks like when a 65 foot Humpback whale comes up to breathe:
To get to the location where we saw the majority of the whales it took over an hour each way on the boat. It is a good thing I like my family – we caught up on life and played a ton of hangman:
And here are a few photos from around Provincetown:
Have you ever been whale watching or to Provincetown?
I recommend both!
jessica says
Oh my gosh, that looks like so much fun! I’ve never been whale watching but would love to go (and bring my kids!).
Kelly Ann says
That would be such a pretty spot!
Kelly Ann says
Nope, it is like that all day everyday!
Steph Gregerson says
I got engaged in Provincetown. I love it!!
Kier Mellour says
Love these photos, Roger has been wanting to take me Whale watching for a while, and I’m a sucker for Saltwater taffy!
Looks like a ton of fun, and cute shades!!
Kristine Foley says
Such beautiful pics as always Kelly! We have been lucky enough to spot whales on a few of our excursions that weren’t really “whale watching” It is truly amazing!
Dara says
what great pictures! I love the whale tails and the sunset lighthouse!
Angela Keeley-White says
Whale watching sounds so fun!!! Those are such pretty pictures!
Rachel says
Ahh all this taffy is making me hungry! And whale watching looks like tons of fun actually!
Sara says
For all the years that I have been visiting PTown I have never gone whale watching. I guess I’m too busy people watching lol. I love all the interesting shops and no trip is never complete without a stop to the Portuguese bakery. So yummy
Susan Westrell says
It looks like it was fun and cool! (Also 330 photos? Damn…) Also, were they having a Pride event of some sort when you were there, because all those rainbow flags…
Ashley says
That is amazing! I would love to whale watch, looks like a lot of fun..
Sincerely Miss Ash
Grace says
I’ve never been whale watching but it looks so much fun! These pictures are lovely 🙂
Have a great day!
A Southern Drawl
Pamela Baker says
This makes me even more excited to be going to the beach soon! Beautiful pictures!!
Amy Breckenridge says
you got such great photos of the whale’s tail! i haven’t been on a whale watch in 2 years but now you have me wanting to take one soon!
Katie says
that is so cool! i’d love to do that!
Alyssa says
I have ALWAYS wanted to go whale watching. I’m so jealous!
Sharon says
I would LOVE to go whale watching…they are such beautiful animals!
The Tiny Heart
Target Giveaway!
Always Maylee says
Can you believe I’ve never gone whale watching? It’s hard to believe since I practically live at the Cape every summer. I have been to be P-town though and it’s a great time!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Leanne says
This is something I’ve wanted to do for the longest time. It must have been the most humbling experience.
Love from South Africa
Kaileigh Osburn says
We just went whale watching in Quebec a few weeks ago. It was pretty amazing! It’s hard to believe that what you are seeing is only a small part of them.
Dimana says
So nice!!! I went a few years back whale watching at Ponta Delgada in the Azores Islands … My word … Stunning views and the dolphins afterwards were soooo nice making all their jumping tricks :)) Loved reading this post 🙂