To be completely honest I had a TOTALLY different post scheduled for today but two things happened last night to cause me to change my mind. Since the new year I have joined a new gym and attend what they call “swim practice” twice a week. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be going to a swim practice so soon after my collegiate career ended but last night really proved to me how different this hour of swimming is compared to what I was used to.
As a bit of background I was able to swim before age of three and since then I have been a water baby and despite my love and dedication to the sport the only real way I made it through 14 years of competitive swimming was because of my teammates. Last night I with complete strangers and the coach did not know me at all. But instead of complaining about a fellow swimmer who thought my goggles were mirrored in order to check my makeup (hello, LCM backstroke) and about a coach who thought I was “cheating” when I did a kick set on my back instead of with a board – I am going to stick with what I told Sharon for the Tiny Heart Giveaway “to laugh more, forgive more, and love more”.
This post is going to be a massive thank you to all of the swimmers who got me through, which by some accounts, was 3,200 hours in the pool.
From a young age you were the reason I got up at 4:00am to get in the pool at 5:00am. I vow never to see that hour again in relation to exercise but all of your smiling faces were the reason I made it there.
In college you were the reason Friday nights were movie night and Saturday morning I had already been up for five hours before my roommate’s alarm went off. You may be all over the country but I love you, the amazing nine, and we will be close forever, that I vow!
Thank you to all of you who made competitive swimming a magnificent chapter of my life!

Lilly Rocket says
oh, you make me feel so lazy. haha. i should really do some sports, but i’m such a lameass. it’s horrible. 😀
kissboombang, lilly.
Bonnie + Kleid
Janice Lunes says
WOw I didn’t know you were so active !! I love these pictures and so nice to know more about your hobby’s beside blogging 🙂
FierceandFashionable says
I played softball in college and miss it dearly! Love hearing about other bloggers athletic backgrounds :)!
xo Michelle
Fierce & Fashionable
Emily Marie {Isnt That Charming} says
How sweet! I played basketball in high school and can absolutely relate – it’s your team that keeps you going!
Isn’t That Charming.
McKenna Ryan says
I have been thinking about trying out swimming lately, I have heard it is such a great work out and running has been killing my knees. Thanks for this post. xx. McKenna Lou
Sunny & Star says
It’s great that even after your days of competing with your team is over that you think so much of them and the experience that you blog about it afterwards. This is so sweet!
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
casper+pearl says
adoring your blog, super cute!
lots of love from the c&p girls,
casper&pearl blog
Natasha xoxo says
Such a great post! Congrats doll 🙂
xo, tasha
twenty-something blog
Kimberly says
Congrats and great team! It goes to show that sometime we need every single person in order for us to get to reach our fullest potential. Just like in a play, there are no small characters/parts, because each part is necessary, in order to tell the story. ;].
Thanks for sharing and great blog!
Lala H says
great team! swimming is always fun
xo lala
vogueandheels says
Amazing post! I always wanted to join a team but then decided not to and ended up being a dancer!
Kelly { Messy.Dirty.Hair.} says
ahhh this brings me back to my swimming days!! i hated it, my mom made me do it. the waking up early killed me. haha! i remember when those one piece speedos were allll the rage! bahaha! love you kell! xoxo
Marsa says
i had no idea you were a swimmer! thats awesome 🙂 i suck at swimming. i can keep myself from drowning but thats pretty much it haha
The DayLee Journal
Melissa says
Thanks for stopping by my guest post and commenting!! I am not a swimmer but I always seem to have swimmer friends!! Great post!
Mademoiselle Michael says
Wow—the only word that comes to mind is that you have this “legacy” of swimming that you left behind to each of your respective schools. What commitment and hard work that all must have taken. You go girl!
Diana Marks says
I never knew you were a swimmer. What a great emotional post!
LA By Diana Live Magazine
The white cabbage says
ciao Kelly ,
really pleasant blog ! I’m a new follower …..come to visit me and if you like follow back
Viola says
This is awesome!!
Megan, says
AWESOME Love Swimming! Xo Megan,
Shannon says
That is so awesome! I would love to be a better swimmer. It’s such great exercise and fun too! 🙂
aree1997 says
Amazing! Swimming is my dream sport 😀
Enter My International Giveaway
Aree With Umbrella
Always Maylee says
I love learning that you were a competitive swimmer!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
TheTinyHeart says
I had no idea you swam competitively! It’s clear from the photos that you have such a strong bond with your teammates! PS thanks for the giveaway mention 🙂
The Tiny Heart
January Group Giveaway!
ZxM Style-Squared says
wow, that is amazing girl!!!!good for you!!!)))you and your team mates look incredible!:)
Agnieszka (Aga) Guerrero Olesinska says
Cool picture
Lace shorts!!!
GIVEAWAY with MSDRESSY!!! Win $80 voucher!!!
ChatterBlossom says
What a terrific thing to be a part of! Teammates can be the best friends you ever have!
Angela says
Great blog, I am a terrible swimmer but had a similar bond with my gymnastics team, I miss those girls so much xx
b e a t r i c e says
Great blog , nice post! Ofc I’m your new follower! Don’t forget to visit my blog too!
Teresa says
While I always refused to compete, I used to swim with the swim team when I was in middle school. I kind of miss it now! Thanks for stopping by my blog; I am so glad to have found yours! (:
Анна-Алина Гевелюк says
wow!great photos!
Eshna says
Such a cute post. I am so ashamed to admit that I dont know how to swim!
Jessica says
Beautiful photos!!
The Fashion Heels
Lauren says
Sounds like swimming was a huge part of your life growing up. It’s so neat that you’ve found a way to incorporate it into your adult life. Hopefully you’ll develop great relationships with these new swimmers as well!
Fizz and Frosting
Little Rus says
Such a great post! x
Heather says
Aw this is awesome – sounds like lovely ladies you have to support you!
Pearls & Paws
Mica says
Such a lovely post, sounds like you had such great team members 🙂
superfakekids says
Wow its impressive!
Karla says
Aw! So cool! I always wanted to try swimming! Takes such dedication! =)
becca says
what a great team you have