One of the reasons we chose the resort in St. Lucia is with our scuba certifications we could do two dives every day. I had originally thought we would maybe skip a day or too, especially when I found out the boat left at 8am every morning, but we didn’t miss a single one. The diving was quite different than the two trips I went on last year – diving in Bali and diving in Cyprus – and each have their charms. St. Lucia definitely had more vibrant fauna and coral (so nice to see as so much of the world’s coral is dying) but far fewer fish.
The island has more than two dozen renowned dive sites and even with the variety of skill levels of the people diving and the new COVID protocol we still went ot quite a few! There were a combination of shallow and deep dives along with drift and current ones. My favorites were Superman’s Flight, Fairlyland, and Lesleen M Wreck. It was also fun diving for the first time in a long time with a buddy I knew (In scuba you are paired up under water so you have someone to stay with and check in on to make sure you are always okay – and someone to buddy breathe with if you somehow run out of oxygen). Plus Mark was a great sport with the underwater photos – both taking them and holding while I tried to get a picture of a certain fish or coral structure. Take a look:
One of the unusual things about St. Lucia was the amount of lion fish. I have seen one or two while diving in the South Pacific but they are actually an invasive species in the Caribbean. There are SO many that they are actually hunted (and fishing for them is encouraged). I am going to sharing a dedicated post on the amount of lion fish we saw while dying, watching fellow divers spearfishing them and even an evening cooking up these little fish!
If you look at St. Lucia the island is in the Eastern Caribbean and one side of the island faces the Caribbean Sea and other faces the Atlantic Ocean. While there are 22 dive locations, with COVID protocols which even pertain to boats and water excursions, there were a few were not visit the ones on the Atlantic side but did get to dive at 9 different sites on the Caribbean side where the water is warmer.
What do you think of these St Lucia scuba diving pictures?

Rosalie says
Looks like a great way to spend a weeks vacation and the photos are superb.
What kind of underwater camera did you use? The water is so clear!
Sabrina says
Terrific under water photos. Loved you both underwater as much as the fish, turtle, squid, octopus and coral. I dive a lot and have never seen an octopus before. Good for you.
Will have to check out this resort. Been to the Beaches one in Turks and Cacois and they did an Watkins. I did two tank dives a day also and was in heaven. Will have to take a look at this spot.
Rebecca says
I scuba dive a lot and I know you do too after following your blog for years. It is so nice to hear that so much of the coral is alive and well. I too have been disappointed by whether it’s global warming or people kicking the coral or the suntain lotion who knows but the disappearance of coral.
Nice to know there are so many diverse types I especially love Cliff dives so I will have to check out this resort after your glowing endorsement. Also so nice that they’re taking Covid so responsibly.
Emily says
I always love reading your travel blog. I never know where you’re going to be headed off to next but I know it’s always going to be somewhere fun. I’ve been reading your blog for years and so glad you got in I got away during Covid.
This looks like a wonderful and romantic getaway. Super looking place and I’m talking my boyfriend into making our next trip there. Thanks again for your travel tips Kelly.
Rach says
Oh my how cool and fun is this!! I’d love to experience this one day!
Linda Hilliard says
Wow, what a great trip and for you to get in so many dives. That octopus shot is award winning! Looks terrific Kelly! Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Pam says
So many great photos.
The water looks so clear and that shot of the octopus, fantastic!!!!
Will have to book a trip to this shortly.