Out of all of the safari posts I can promise you this one will have the least amount of animal photos but there was one evening in Kenya at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro we stayed following a great elephant heard and the sun turned into the most terrific rainbow display as it went down over the Western Mountains. And while the pinks and oranges may arguably be the most classic sunset shots I think my favorite is the giraffe one featured above with their unique horns shillouteed against the sun – I actually like it so much so that I had it blown up and it is now over my bed. But do tell me, which of these photos would you have framed?

Patti says
It’s a tie between the first two. Those clouds make new want to soar with them. However, that many giraffes in one shot is pretty spectacular.
Hard choice. Maybe just get both 😍😍
Jessica says
The first one with the giraffes in a silhouette is my favorite by far.
I think it would make a super memory of your marvelous trip!
Jill says
Those Sunset photos are crazy. So gorgeous. I must have been so surreal to be there and experienced that firsthand.