It seems these days it is all about Instagram – the algorithm, the engagement numbers, the shadowban, ect. Thus year I’ve noticed when social media is mentioned, especially here in the US, most people’s first instinct is Insta. But I must say, a close second in my book is Pinterest. I have been active on the platform for more than ten years and Pinterest is one of my favorite social networks and probably the one where I am the least likely to shamelessly plug my blog. Why? I don’t often create vertical content with nice text overlays or fancy food posts but I love finding new recipes, discovering up and coming bloggers, and catching up on the latest trends while pinning away to one of my 30 active boards. A few days ago I crossed the threshold of 10,000 pins and thought it was time to do a cross over here!
As my account is set up as a business I can tell you that my boards get more than 144,600 monthly views and my most popular boards are Style Inspiration with 1,113 pins, followed by my dream wedding board, my board of great quotes, and my board of things I want inside my dream home. From these I wanted to share a handful of recent Pinterest favorites:
Bathroom Makeover with Claw Foot Tub (Pin)
Sprinkles for Breakfast Marbled Oreo’s (Pin)
Kate Blue from For the Love of Fancy | Embroidered Dress (Pin)
Don’t be Scared to Walk Alone Quote (Pin)
My Copenhagen Top 10 (Pin)
Flower Girl by Jose Villa Photography (Pin)
Please note, none of these are my images except for the Copenhagen one! Oh, and some honorable mentions for my Pinterest favorites that were not high enough quality to make it to the blog: Julia Engel Gal Meets Glam Pale Pink Rose Quartz Coat (Pin), Shrimp Zoodles Parmesan for Two (Pin), this gorgeous wedding table setting (pin), and this dream closet (pin).
Which of these pins is your favorite?

Aimee says
THe gold on the feet of the tub really makes it pop. I never would have thought of that.
Pam says
Those cookies look so colorful. I will have to look up how to make them for my next cookie swap!
Abigail says
Love the flower girls..too cute!
Daniel says
Great post!
Daniel x
The Daniel Originals | Instagram: danielpoonvignez
Chelsea says
I’m the same way! I love pinning stuff but am terrible about pinning my own content.
PS- how was I not following you on Pinterest already?! Just fixed that 😉