After yesterday’s post I was surprised on how many comments I received where people were happy I shared a part of my life, even if it was from 15 years ago. Today, I have another tidbit of my life but much more recently. It was not until Sunday that I realized how many photos I take and post on social media where the only part of me you can see is my left thumb. Odd, but true.
Often times it is the best way to showcase something up close and personal when I am in a hurry. I am right handed so I grasp my iPhone and hold up the product, and from recent photo it seems like it is usually a drink, in my left hand for the photo op. Here are some of my favorite thumb-sies (get it, selfies, but with my thumb?):
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Janna Renee says
PS. How were those Kit Kats??? I recently saw those and was intrigued!!
Janna Renee says
Lol this is so true. Thank goodness you have a cute thump since it gets so much limelight!
KJax says
Good thing you keep your left thumb nail well polished, since it’s such a star! 😉
That would be a fun IG feed all its own: My Left Thumb. Hmmm…..
Katie Jane says
Ha I have this problem too. I’m left handed and I take more photos of my thumb than I do of my face.
Katie x
Rachel says
Lol this is very funny! And you got me thinking about all my thumb picks…
Kasey says
hahaha oh man this is too funny! your left thumb is basically a celebrity!
Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side says
LOL! You are hilarious! Love it.
Maddy says
I never thought about that but its so true. I’m always doing the same – holding my phone with my right. Hey – at least all your nail polish colors are cute!
xo, Maddy
Laura says
At least you’re always sporting a different nail polish! lol 🙂
She Likes to Shop
Always Maylee says
Haha your left thumb should have its own tumblr page! And those green tea kit kats are YUM.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee says
i call my left hand my “show hand!”