Hello from Starbucks on Cape Cod! When I left work on Friday to take the train up to Massachusetts I told my coworkers I was planning on completely unplugging while on vacation and that I would see them on Thursday. Little did I know this would be quite literal. My plan was to not check work email and uninstall hangouts on my phone for five days but still blog away.
Instead the Internet is down at my parents house so we have been spending even more quality time together, including introducing my dad to the magic that is Pitch Perfect on Saturday night. There is no timeline on when it will be back up so I popped over to Starbucks to use their free wifi to let you all know I am alive but this week’s posts will be a bit delayed.
What am I doing without Internet? Well I have started Ken Follet’s The Pillars of the Earth and this 1,008 page brick of a book is absolutely fascinating. I love medieval folklore and this book really brings you in to a realistic story where I am truly invested in the fate of Tom the Builder and his family. After just a few days I am 375 pages in and my goal is to finish it before I leave. After all of my reading I hope to be back with a new post on Thursday!
The photo above is from one of my trips up to the Cape last summer (my hair was so dark!) but it was definitely the most Cape Cod-y picture that I have! I hope you all had a great weekend!

rach. says
everyone needs to disconnect every so often! it’s good for you! enjoy cape cod!
love the blog! i’d love for you to check out mine when you get a chance, and maybe even follow me? let me know what you think! i’d love your opinions!
love, rach.
Kitty L says
Spoiler Alert: His real name is BOB!
Pam says
I read that book and really enjoyed it, plus your dress is too cute!
Danielle says
I am glad that you are enjoying your family’s company very much. Have a great vacation!
Laura says
Have fun in Cape Cod- I visited there when I was younger and loved it! Being without internet is such a good push to read, too!
She Likes to Shop
Alecz says
That dress you’re wearing in the photo is just a stunner! Hope you have an awesome time, even with the internet down!