I am so sick of being cold. My coworker pulled up the weather on her phone and joked that we were having a heatwave – it was 23 degrees. If that wasn’t bad enough, twice in the past two weeks the pipes have burst in my building and when the temperature is in the single digits not have hot water is just really awful. I try not to complain too much on Sparkles and Shoes but 48 hours without hot water is just really dreadful. This latest development spurred my wanderlust if it wasn’t bad enough already. Between Pinterest and travel blogs I have a handful of destinations I would love to jump on a plane and head to right now. These are my top eight right now:
Viceroy Hotel in Bali, Indonesia
Castello Di Velona, Montalcino, Italy
Which of these stunning destinations would top your list?

Diva In Me says
I can confirm that Bali and Phi Phi Island are really beautiful! I’ve not been to Sicily and heard plenty about it. Ok someday I shall. Guess what, I think grass is really greener on the other side. It’s so blardy hot here! Everyday it is registering 36 degrees Celcious on my car. I don’t want to go anywhere besides living in rooms with air conditioner. I wish I can give you half of my hot weather and you can give me half of yours =D
Kylie Rose says
Giiiirl. This makes me want to be anywhere but here. Italy is one of the most gorgeous places i’ve ever been, and the South of France! I’ve heard Thailand is stunning too, I have to add it to my bucket list!
ellesees says
any and all of these places would be welcome right now! i could use a trip.
Janna Renee says
I think I commented, but don’t see it. Basically, I’m feelin’ the wanderlust right along with you!!!
Janna Renee says
Ugh…me too! We were supposed to go to Italy for Christmas, and now I REALLY regret that we decided to wait. Now I can’t even really fly for awhile.
Betsy says
I’m totally right there with you! It was 31 the other day here in Chicago and I was like omg spring! Ugh! Our furnace broke and was out for almost two weeks but I think not having hot water would be way worse. It’s hard to make that warm, at least we could get more space heaters. Ready for spring!
Caroline L. says
Come to California!!! People were suntanning outside today it was so nice! (Sorry, I realize this was not helpful at all, yikes…)
Sophia says
Right Now I really want to go somewhere really warm!!!
XO Sophia
Tracy says
I would go back to Cambodia in a heartbeat! I missed Song Saa Islands my first time around.
Kim says
These places look gorgeous! I’ll be in Mexico in TWO MONTHS for my honeymoon and I’m counting down the days for some sun and warmth!
http://trendkeeper.me .. Dip it low?!
Amber | All the Cute says
I want to travel badly, too!!! Soon enough!
♥♥♥ xo,
All the Cute
Latest Post: World Travels…Dreaming…
Julia @ Grace Makes New says
WOW all of these places are so gorgeous!!
chelsea jacobs says
This is making me so ready for beach weather!
Pam says
I will gladly go to any of these…fantastic choices!
Setarra says
Haha, I am on the same exact wavelength girl. Sooo over winter! And these photos are giving me a case of major wanderlust, especially the photo of Phi Phi Island in Thailand!