Last week was incredible week for new creative (ads), with dozens of Super Bowl teasers and full ads released and other commercials elbowing their way for attention. Budweiser, Newcastle and Guinness all rolled out spots that went viral and they competed with some great ones last night. These are my favorite commercials Super Bowl XLVIII:
Quite possibly the cutest Super Bowl commercial ever made. Heck, quite possibly the cutest commercial made period. I watched this ad half a dozens times before last night but seeing it come on in the fourth quarter solidified it as the top spot on this list. I also loved this article about the challenges of making the ad, but who cares, it was amazing.
When I saw this ad I immediately went back to see if I had made a note of it during the week – nope. The first time I saw this ad (along with the rest of the world) was last night. Coke really managed to evoke patriotism in just a minute, with a multilingual version of “America, the Beautiful.” This is a brand we know exists and is a great reminder that even though it has entered every country on Earth it is an American brand.
As a non-football fan, even this rang true. The majority of people tuning in to the game picked a team to root for but they do not really care because their team is not in the game. I love the prom analogy because it rings true with every person watching. Will it help sell software? Probably not but it is was a good ad.
I loved this commercial and all poking fun at the fact that he doesn’t have a National Football League contract — and at cell-phone providers that require contracts. Without an allegiance to one team, or even one profession, he is able to take on gigs such as an obstetrician, a bull rider and a rock star. This is great, and a great plug for the brand – isn’t that what it is about?
And finally, to round out my favorites – I know it was not actually a SuperBowl ad but as many this past week have named it – the best “almost” Super Bowl ad.
- The Silverado ad, titled “Romance” and featuring a bull getting ready to breed.
- The Volkswagen ad about engineers getting their wings at 100,000 miles. And, as my roommate pointed out, why only the men?
- The minute and a half Maserati ad. I hate to put anything with Quvenzhané Wallis on the worst list but I spent over sixty seconds guessing which classic Americana brand this ad was for only to find out it is for an Italian sports car. Nope.
- The Recess and Butterfinger therapy spot – really Peanut butter and Chocolate, please, be a bit more original.
- And this is the one I will probably get the most backlash for – I did not like Audi’s Doberhuahua. Not the mutated dogs or the connection with compromise.
Regardless if your team won or lost yesterday or if you loved or hated the ads I have something that can make it event better – I teamed up with a bunch of amazing bloggers and businesses to bring you this giveaway. Not only will one person walk away with $200 Paypal cash, but there are many other prizes up for grabs. Good Luck!

Cece says
Maybe just dinner! We don’t really make a big deal of V Day.
Catie says
I typically go out with my boyfriend, but considering he is on the other side of the state this year, I’ll be going out with my girlfriends!
Michael says
We usually go to dinner and then just stay home for V-day. That Audi ad was terrible. The Puppy Love was my absolute favorite. I’vw watched it several times. And of course, the Cheerios one. Loved it!
Meagan says
Funny enough, I didn’t actually love the multicultural Coke ad. I love how this country is a melting pot and that we are made up of many different cultures, but I feel our anthems should be sung in English. Second, I agree with you about the Maserati ad, it was overly long and confusing and wasn’t relatable, at all.
Pauline Janssen says
This makes me so happy; last night me and the boyfriend watched the superbowl here in the Netherlands but we didn’t get to see the commercials. I was sooooo disappointed.
Nicole @ Treasure Tromp says
I feel pretty similar about my favorites and least favorites. the cow commercial was just gross.
Sharon says
I only watched some of the Superbowl since it was so boring! Since I’m a huge 80s fan, I really liked the Radioshack commerical 🙂
The Tiny Heart
Amy Breckenridge says
the puppy one has to be my favorite, ahnds down! i hope you are feeling okay after your surgery 🙂
Annie says
That Anna Kendrick ad is the BEST! And anything with a puppy and a horse is awesome in my book 🙂
The Other Side of Gray
Pamela Shea says
Loved your choices…I especially loved the “puppy” as well! says
meh on the superbowl and commercials…but no planins for v-day, just enjoying a day of LOVE
Brittany Ruth says
I’m hopefully going to spend my Valentine’s Day this year in Salzburg, Austria.
Tara says
I liked the puppy love ad…but I thought overall the commercials were disappointing!