What a wonderful invention. The website/app is advertised as a Virtual Pinboard that lets, “you organize and share all the beautiful things you find in your life.” One of my friends described the site as one that, “reminds me how hungry, poor, and unstylish I am”. This is a bit dramatic but as an avid pinner who has, to date, 2,247 pins I have to agree.
I currently have 16 boards across an array of topics and they are: Amazing Photograph, Attractive Men, Best Room: The Closet, DIY Products I Wish I Had Time For, Great Advertisements, i LOVE children, Inside My Dream Home, My Style, Places I Want to Go, Princess Catherine, Quotes and ECards, The Outside of My Dream Home, Things I Love, Wedding, and Yummy, Yummy Deserts. Click on the image below to check it out!