Here had December gone? Certain months of 2022 seemed to drag forever but this one flew by! Part of it has to do with being abroad December 8th to December 18th – that’s a good chunk of any month but for the end of the year when everything is on fast forward it proved a bit nuts / but for the best reason. My seven year old niece judges this distance of a location b many airplanes you need to take to get somewhere (context: her cousins live in Vietnam and from England that’s tow airplane rides = very far). Thus by her logic my latest travel adventure was very, very far as it took three planes to get from London to the Galapagos but it was well worth it – here are some of my Galápagos Gems.
Many only know the name Galapagos from David Attenborough, Blue Planet, or leaning about blue footed boobies in school but it’s a spot that should be on everyone’s bucket list – it’s truly a remarkable place. Mark and I joined my mom, dad, brother, and his fiancé on a trip to this famous volcanic National Park located 700 miles off the coast of Ecuador. This may ring a vague bell and yes, we did take a family holiday there nearly six years ago but this one was even better!
There are 127 islands and countless spots to visit on each so while we had been to this park before besides the starting point in San Cristóbal all of the spots were new to us. In addition to the thousands of photos I usually come home from a trip with I also have hours of videos I am in the process of loading and editing – and boy do I have a new found appreciation for YouTubers. If you scroll to the bottom of this post I’ve uploaded one video so far but will put the full one together some time soon. Until then here are 15 of my favorite photos, my Galapagos gems.
Blue Footed Boobie Perched on North Seymour Island
A Baby Sea Lion Pup in Darwin Bay, Genovesa
Marine Iguana Swimming off Punta Moreno, Isabela in the Galapagos
Frigate Bird Flying above North Seymour
Lava fields of Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island (they say it looks like the surface of the moon)
The Galapagos Santa Fe Land Iguana
A Galapagos Sea Lion upside down snorkeling
A Nazca Booby with its eggs on Punta Suarez, Espanola Island
A Galapagos Sea Turtle
Giant Tortoises on the grounds of a coffee plantation in the Santa Cruz Highlands
A family photos with Galapagos sea lions on the beach on Isla Santa Fe
Which of these Galápagos gems is your favorite?

Stephanie says
For me its the blue footed boobies. Can’t believe they have Tiffany blue feet. Looks like someone dipped them in blue.
Such great photos Kelly!
Linda says
Still awed at how close you can get to the animals. What a beautiful variety!
I think the family photo behind the seal is my favorite. Did he or she mind you there?