After five years I have blogged about nearly every topic ande for anyone who wants to know more there is an about me page in my header. Even if you are new reader you’ll know I ramble on about new things many times a week to today I am going to kick it back to the kind of post that was popular in 2009 when I started reading blogs and was just fading out in 2012 when I started writing mine – a getting to know me post. I am going to answer 50 Completely Random Questions that People Rarely Ask which Molly from the blog Still Being Molly answered last week. Here are my responses:
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? Cake Batter.
2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Jennifer Lawrence. More like I wish she was my best friend – does anyone reminder the Ode to Jennifer Lawrence I wrote in 2013? Well it’s pretty much all still true.
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Chris Hemsowrth because he is gorgeous, my future children would have great genes, and I am sure he must have attractive friends.
4. What’s your favorite thing about marriage? (And if you’re not married, what’s your favorite thing about being single?) Well I’m not married so only having to plan around my schedule and being able to take solo trips whenever I feel like it!
5. What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? After watching quite a few Buzzfeed videos I probably have makeup (especially nail polish) that is expired which should go through and throw out though it pains me, even if they were free samples.
6. Can you do a split? Nope!
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? I am going to go with five? Dad, feel free to comment on this post and let me know if that’s not correct!
8. How many oceans have you swam in? To be honest I had to Google “how many oceans are there” because I know I have been in many seas but oceans? In case you are wondering the answer is five and I am going to say that I have swam three – Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian because I did put my toes in the water in South Africa but it was FAR too cold to get in but we can count it 🙂
9. How many countries have you been to? Easiest question of the list so far because I wrote a whole post about this two weeks ago – the answer is 49.
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? My paternal grandfather was in the military and was buried at a military cementary – I still have the shell casing from the bullets they fired in the military salute at the funeral.
11. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? Full House.
12. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? Pocahontas and I still remember someone pulled on my plastic necklace at the costume party in the Church basement and broke it – it was very upsetting.
13. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? All of HPo, all of Hunger Games, and none of Twilight.
14. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? British, no question.
15. Have you ever taken karate lessons? I don’t think so? Mom, your turn to comment if I’m wrong on that one.
16. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? Yes? Doesn’t everyone? Maybe this woudl b e know if you didn’t grow up in the US?
17. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? Playland! It is in my hometown, famous from the movie Big, and it has a wooden roller coaster that dates back to 1929.
18. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? Spanish, I am still kicking myself that I did not try harder in high school. I pulled out quite a full passable phrases when I was in Spain last year but definitely not fluent!
19. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Oh, legitimately a very good question and it behinds on the day – I switch back and forth but more often I think I write gray because Georgetown’s colors are officially “blue and gray”.
20. Do you know triplets? None! Quite a few twins but actually no triplets.
21. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Both, they tie. Give me Leo (well, young Leo) and Ryan all day, every day.
22. Have you ever had Indian food? Yes, and I actually documented my first time last year but have not had it since!
23. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? I actually don’t have one but fresh seafood will usually win my heart!
24. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? Of course, I’ll take all the breadsticks please!
25. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Kevin! And they used the name when my younger brother came along!
26. If you have a nickname, what is it? Cups, short for Kelly Cupcake. And as my coworkers know, I despise being called Kel but a handful of people do it anyway.
27. Who’s your favorite person in the world? My mom.
28. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? Suburbs! The question that woudl be hard for me to answer is city or suburbs but a rural area? No thanks!
29. Can you whistle? Nope.
30. Do you sleep with a nightlight? Nope, I like it pitch black.
31. Do you eat breakfast every morning? Yes, without question, it’s the most important meal of the day! .
32. How many times have you been to the hospital? Like Molly I am not going to count ER visits so four total – once as baby for an operation and three separate occasions with my knee surgeries.
33. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Of course – fish are friends, not food.
34. Where do you buy your jeans? It really varies but lately via Shopbop, they have a great denim selection.
35. What’s the last compliment you got? That I am reliable and someone people can count on.
36. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Nope!
37. Favorite beverage that isn’t water? Diet Coke but I am trying to drink less of it, my latest favorite drink that is non alcoholic and not water is GT’s Enlightened Synergy Organic Chia Raw Kombucha in multi-green.
38. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Umm, do we really have to count? Conservatively let’s go with 75 pairs.
39. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? I think I found out in 2nd grade?
40. What is one food that you used to hate but now you love? Definitely Brussel sprouts and I am so sad now that I know what was I missing out on for so many years!
41. What is a weird lie you’ve told? Hmm, this may be the hardest question so far – what is a weird lie? I try not to lie so it was probably a white lie but I cant even think of one off the top my head.
42. Heels or flats? Heels.
43. Do you have any weird phobias? It’s not really a phobia but I really, really don’t like pigeons.
44. What is a phrase or word you always say? “False” is a phrase I say a lot.
45. What is a song that you blast or belt out when you are alone? Oh, definitely some country music song. Right know it would probably be Thomas Rhett’s song Tshirt. Brett Eldredge’s You Can’t Stop Me, or the insanely catchy Body Like a Back Road by Sam Hunt.
46. What is one of your biggest pet peeves? Oh, so many of them but most recently slow walkers has been on the top of my pet peeves list.
47. Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed? Oh, a truly random question – open! I rarely close them!
48. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Bear assuming I can escape the attack – I will take one creature vs. hundreds.
49. Do you have any weird things you do? Some people think it is weird that I almost always wear press on nails and in the Summer when blueberries are on sale I buy them in bulk and freeze them – I love eating them frozen!
50. What movie could you watch over and over again and still love? Love Actually and The Holiday
Well first, if you are at the end of these 50 random questions, well done, that was a quite a feat and I hope whether you a new or old reader you learned something about me!
Would any of these answers have been the same for you?

Lauren says
Love this! Copying this!
Elise says
Harry Potter is definitely my favorite!!
Lucy says
So much fun getting to know you!
TAMMY says
Awesome getting to know you reading your blog. The 2 I associate you the best is world travel and fashion. Sub section for shoes (heels). (:)
Kenzie says
I love these types of posts! I definitely have some of the same answers! Like slow walkers…yeah plz just go faster! And I can’t whistle either!
Great post! 🙂
x Kenzie //
Pam says
Nice getting to know you better. I do the blueberry frozen trick too. I know do it with strawberries that are a day past and save them frozen for my smoothies.
LOVE Titanic but Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing are up there.