What you’ll need:
2 avocados, 1 lemon, 1 lime, an onion, salt, chili powder, cayenne, 1 jalapeño, 1 tomato.
Start by chopping your onion.
All you really need for this recipe is one tablespoon of finely chopped onion.
Remove the seeds from your jalapeño, and finely chop.
Do the same with your tomato. It’s up to you how much of the tomato you want to use, if any at all. My hubby prefers none, but I usually manage to sneak a few chunks in there. 🙂 Now it’s time for your avocados. Once you slice them open (be careful of the pit!), take a spoon and carefully peel away from the skin.
This next step is entirely up to you. I like my guacamole really smooth, so I throw my avocados in a food processor and puree until they are mostly chunk-free. If you like your guacamole a little on the chunkier side, simply just mash it with a fork.

Transfer the mashed avocados to a bowl and squeeze approximately one tablespoon lemon juice and two tablespoons lime juice over top. Then add one tablespoon of onion, a teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon chili powder, a smidge of cayenne, the diced jalapeño, and the tomato.
Mix it all up…
And voila! You now have a nice bowl of delicious guacamole!

This makes the perfect amount of guacamole for my husband and I (but we’re total guacamole pigs), so I would suggest doubling it if you are serving several people.

Rachel says
Yum! I love guac
celyn says
I love this! thanks for sharing, I really like guacamole. Can’t wait to try it out!
viv says
Guac is the one snack food I never tire of!
Valerie says
Great post!
anna says
I am such a die-hard guac fan, so I will have to try this out. Thanks so much for sharing, girl. xx
Fash Boulevard
Caitlin says
Great recipe. I love anything with avocado 🙂
Beauty & Colour
Sarah says
I am such a fan of guacamole. I will pretty much any version people put in front of me. When I make it myself, I use a lot of the same things you do… but I mash it by hand with a potato masher. I just like mine a bit chunky. This looks fantastic though 🙂
Midwest Darling
Chelsea says
This looks positively delish! Now I’ve got a serious craving for guac!
Tiffany of Just Another Shopaholic says
This looks so good! I’ll have to try it!
Sara says
This recipe is perfect for game day!