With only one week until Thanksgiving I am taking the time to think about all of the things I am thankful for – this time of year just does that to you, doesn’t it? It’s nice to take a step back, pause, and think of everything that makes you happy. Life can sometimes become challenging, busy, and overwhelming, so it’s important to be grateful for the little things that make it sweet . After all, little things make life unique and worth living.

I could write 10,000 words about the things that makes me happy but I am in a whimsical mood so today I just want to share this short list makes my smile and my heart warm with excitement and I hope you’ll be inspired to write your own.
My happy list:
+ The upcoming holidays.
+ A bowl of fresh berries
+ Sending snail mail to loved ones.
+ Fuzzy socks.
+ When the kitchen at work has Goldfish or Smartfood popcorn.
+ Getting lost in a book.
+ Happy and healthy friends and family.
+ Fresh bread.
+ Sephora makeovers.
+ Peppermint tea.
+ Talking to my mom.
+ My favorite pair of jeggings.
+ Children’s laughter.
+ Bloggy friends.
+ Trying new New York City restaurants.
+ A trip to Trader Joe’s.
+ A fresh manicure.
+ Bubble baths.
+ New episode of Scandal.
What’s on your happy list?

Misty says
I just got some new fuzzy socks from Target. Love!
vanessa says
Emily says
I loved this post! I am proud to admit that I am also thoroughly obsessed with scandal.
Megan says
Love this quote! What a good reminder, especially at this time of year!
Dianne says
I once was sent to see a shrink for eating too much Zuccini Bread. Reading your blog is therapeutic as it allows me to imagine the glory days of fresh bread. And no urge to relapse!! 🙂
Floortje says
Love this quote!
Camilla says
Love this post! Especially the Scandal part hahah 🙂
Rachel says
ALL OF THESE SOUND amazing. And now I’m craving bread. Who craves bread lol? Also — now I want peppermint tea too!