While I have abandoned the pursuit of enviable ombre the idea of doing something to change my hair has not escaped me. I have been trying to decide in which direction I want to go in, but I am positive it is NOT going to be half shaved. I read this HuffPost article about JWoww (and never did I think I would mention an Jersey Shore cast member on the blog) and I just shook my head no. No, I will never, ever shave half my head:
This trend is not new, and to be serious it is really only a 20 or 25% head shave but, it has been popular for at least the last year and half and it hit the main stream when Rihanna debuted her a half shaved head on the cover of Rolling Stone in February 2013.
But let’s be serious, Rihanna can get away with almost anything – including receiving a fashion award in a see-through dress, but then others start copying her. In Hollywood everyone from Cassie and Camern Electra to Jada Pinkett Smith and Kelly Osbourne has sported the style. Unlike many of my posts, these are not my favorite shots, these are examples of the trend I am not on board with:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
What do you think of the trend? Are you on board?

Catherine | The Single Diaries says
I don’t think I could pull it off (nor would I choose to attempt), but I do commend the gals who take a leap. If not now, when? I will admit I had a similar reaction when Miley Cyrus debuted her edgy new style, but after a while I realized that my opinion that her old look was “more beautiful” did not matter whatsoever (plus it was just plain judgmental). Why? She, along with all women, should dare to be themselves–whoever that may be–and not confine their look to what society or ANYONE dictates. We should all be comfortable in our own skin, clothes, hair, without caring about the backlash. I’m sure everyone has a style moment (or lack thereof) that they cringe when they look back on, but life is more exciting when you just TRY.
Dressed2dNines says
Some people rock this style and look gorgeous..but it’s not meant for everyone! I think it has a certain amount of sexiness and edginess to it. Not sure if I could pull it off though!
Sarah C says
no I will never ever shave my head like that…never.
Chelsea Jacobs says
Ugh, I just don’t get this one at all.
Misty says
Some women can absolutely pull it off, but I wouldn’t do it.
Amber says
While I think some women pull it off flawlessly, I would NEVER do it either! My friend did it and she loves it and can style her hair some of the time where it doesn’t look shaved… But It is so not for me.
Julia says
Eew, no! Definitely not a fan of this!
Arica says
Let me just tell you. I am dating a guy whose EX girlfriend pretty much thought she was Rihanna. As a much more conservative person, I always was curious about what she wore, trends she liked. When she shaved off part of her head, I just could not even get over it….honestly I still can’t. I remember my boyfriend telling me, “yeah it was fine, until she was just relaxing in her sweatpants and had this….bald spot”.
Totally a trend to PASS.
Amy @ The Crazy Wise Woman says
I kinda wish I was that gutsy but I think you have to be uber beautiful to pull it off and also able to afford really good extensions when you are ready no to have a shaved head anymore lol.
amalya says
I like this new hair fashion trend.
Rachel says
I’m not a huge fan of the look on anyone really, I just don’t get it!
Kristin says
Amen to that!