Today marks one month until my birthday and as I turn another year older I have set a goal for my 24th year on the planet, to put things in perspective. The Florkens post yesterday about this same topic really hit the nail on the head and they beat me to the punch but why not say it again?
Recently I came across this image from American Express and what I am sure is the same clever team who came up with the First Three Words image I shared in June. Now that I have one month until I turn a non-exciting number but many of the small but meaningful items on this list stuck with me. My goal in the next month is to see how many of these things I can let go of:
Can I do all of these things in the next month? No, but I think it is a really good list, especially because half of these I would have never thought of but I completely agree with. The three I am going to start with are letting go of the fantasy of perfection, excessive worrying, and thinking that there is a perfect time. I am working with an Etsy shop owner for the latest addition to my gallery wall that reads, “If it’s both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.” I think it is a good place to start!
If you had to pick three, which would you choose?
Lauren says
I mean this as a compliment but I can’t believe that you are younger than me, just turning 24. You seem so mature and put together!!! Like you are much older!! You just seem so together and like you have everything figured out!!
Rekha Monger says
I can totally relate! The Fantasy of perfection and trying to change others hit me most. I need to work on this. Thanks for sharing. I wish you good luck for your goals :).
Leeann @ Join the Gossip says
You just made me really sad since I turned 31 this month lol! Ah I’m so old!!
Pamela says
Love this!! My birthday is September 26 😉
Jenny says
Oooh, I love this so much! I really need to start applying these to my life too…especially thinking others have it better than me. It’s especially hard in the blogging world when you see so many people with things that you want (and can’t afford). Thanks for sharing this! 🙂
Michaela Jean says
Wow who knew American Express was so clever! Happy early birthday lady!
Julia says
I would definitely pick feeling you aren’t making progress fast enough! I am SO impatient with myself and I need to work on that! I would also work on my tendency to avoid problems and thinking others have it better than me! Really trying to be thankful for what I have instead of focusing on what I don’t have! Great post!
Samantha says
This is actually a really great list. I think even accomplishing three of them would be challenging and rewarding. I think right now I’m working on giving up lazy attitudes and routines. I’m back in school for my senior year of my undergraduate career, but I’m not back in that mindset. Put a cold and living in a hotel on top of that, and I have basically no motivation.