Last week I realized I hit overt 6,000 pins on Pinterest – holy crap! Over the past three and a half years I have pinned everything from the hottest runway shows to the simplest DIYs. Currently only 850 people see the images I decide to share, but hey, that is a heck of a lot more than the 67 followers, which is the average for someone on Pinterest. But back to the point – with that many pins how do I really sum up 6,000? Well, I have decided to share my six favorite pins and then the six pins you have found the most interesting.
My 6 Favorite Pins
Only one person repined this and I’m okay with that. I pinned it because I like it
and every time I look at it, it makes me smile.
In a few short months I will be moving apartments
and I have already begun pinning away ideas for my next space,
especially if it is a studio, they I will have al creative direction!
and I have already begun pinning away ideas for my next space,
especially if it is a studio, they I will have al creative direction!
Tiffany Blue, Coral, and White
I think this an absolutely gorgeous color palette for a summer or tropical wedding.
Most Perfectly Timed Photo Ever
Swimming was and will probably always play a large role in my life.
As a fellow backstroker I appreciate how great this photo is, it truly captures a moment.
The Cure for Anything
I first came across this a few months ago and really did not like how it looked.
Recently I found the quote on this background and I love it!
Bright Blazers
I posted about these blazers months ago and looking back on it? I still want every single one.
Picking only six photos to represent my favorites was extremely difficult because most of the things I choose to put on one of my 25 Pinterest boards is something I like. It does mean a lot to me that you all like my pins too and tend to share them with your network – whether they are Sparkles and Shoes originals or just passing on from another great source. Without further ado:
My 6 Most Popular Pins

Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Awesome pins! I love the laughing boy, the swimmer, and Elf!
Wishing you a lovely day!
Sooae Lee says
baby boy is soooo cute! xO!
WE says
That little boy is precious!!! 🙂
Erica Thompson says
That little baby picture is the best!
Marley And Me says
HOLY SMOKES! 6,000 pins! That little baby is the cutest ever. I really love that closet ( wardrobe essentials)
Angela Keeley-White says
I love the pin of the blazers and the elf quote! Pinterest is so addicting.
Clever Girl Reviews says
Love the swim pick and the Elf quote, I forgot to watch it this holiday season!
Kristen says
That swimming picture is INSANE. Also a swimmer. Love it. 🙂
Misty, Handbags + Handguns says
I always say I’m going to wear my lace shorts with tights and never do. I need to get it together!
Sarah C says
love pinterest, I know as soon as I get a phone with internet (I know I live in the dark ages), I’ll be on pinterest all the time, now I just don’t go on the computer that much at home to be pinning things!
Brittany conners says
Pinterest is such an addiction for me too! I love the idea of the upside down shelves
Kristin Thompson says
I love Pinterest! I have an addiction to it! Great picks!
Crumbs & Curls
Jill Barry says
I love all the blazers, too – pastel blues are so pretty, but I can never find one that I like when I’m actually in a store!
x. jill
beck daily
The Grits says
The swimmer looks like an alien. Just putting it out there for all to see.
Whitney @ EHFAR says
I had very similar wedding colors, except mine was hot pink instead of coral. Love pinterest!
Chelsea says
Love those wedding colors!