How on Earth is today July 1st? We are half way through 2013 and it seems like the last six months have flown buy. It seems yesterday I was writing my 12 Day of Christmas posts and determining my New Year’s Resolutions for this year. I have decided to take a look back and see how I have been doing. Here are my seven resolutions and updates in bullet form:
(1) Take Care of Me. Drink more water. Eat foods that are good for me. working ou Try not to judge myself so hard because while I am aware of every mistake. I know my inner doubts, my hidden motivations, and my failings but nobody else knows them. One of my goals this year is to be easier on myself – focus more on the good and less on the bad, just breathe, keep calm, and carry on.
- I have been drinking a tremendous amount of water so that has been a breeze. The eating healthy has been a bit more of a challenge but I am thinking about begining a clean eating regime after the 4th and making sure I have a healthy stacked snack drawer at all times. I am going to use Stephanie’s as inspiration, here.
(2) Say Thank You. Seems simple, right? My mother raised me right – pleases and thank yous since the time I could talk. Living in a city where a cold stare is more common than a kind word I feel like this is being squashed out of me. This year, I am going to say thank you more – it only takes a second to say those two words and as the motto of one of my favorite shoes says, pay it forward.
- This one I have really been doing really well on. Complimenting strangers and thanking people, especially in hospitality, makes others smile and me as well.
(3) Reconnect with Mentors. I manage to spend time on Facebook everyday and at least an hour in the blog world but I do not have five minutes to email or touch base with the people who have helped me get to where I am? Not okay. Something I am definitely going to work on. And you know what? Even if I have to set reminders in Outlook or write it in my planner that is okay – it still counts. I think taking advantage of these resources of wisdom in my life will help make 2013 the best year yet.
- As I do not count reaching out to former emplloyers and acedmics for work references I would say this one has been unsucessful. I want to refocus on this for the rest of the year – especially reaching out to high school teachers and old coaches why I have not spoken with in years.
(4) Have an Adventure. Just say yes, as many of my guy friends say, go big or go home. I am still young and still figuring out my place in the world and there is no excuse for me not to embrace opportunities for spontaneity. At some point this year I am going to take adventure of my very generous vacation package and take a trip.
- Nothing to report. Not successful. I have no ideas but hopefully something will come up soon – but that is the point, it is supposed to be spontaneous!
(5) Give back. There are so many people in and around my communitiy who need help in a variety of ways so this year I am going to donate both my time and money to those less fortunate. In middle and high school I used to frequently volunteer in soup kitchens and I miss it, I will definitely start that again this year!
- In terms of monetary contribution I have exceeded my goal for 2013 but I have not volunteered a significant amount of my time as I was hoping to do. This is something I really want to do and have already decided that I am going to volunteer at the New York City Wine and Food Festival in October benefiting hungry children in the city.
(6) Shop Smarter. I already have a full walk in closet. This year when I go shopping (a when, not an if) I will buy more investment pieces and less frivolous and inexpensive items. I have a style and this year I am going to work towards refining it.
- I have been doing extremely well at this. I managed to walk into the massive H + M sale and not buy a single thing. I am still sticking with the idea of investment pieces, especially as I no longer have a walk-in closet in my new apartment. I plan on continuing this for the rest of 2013 and beyond.

(7) Expand my workout routine. I feel like working out, health, or fitness is on almost everyone’s New Year’s resolutions but mine is a bit different I have recently joined one of the premiere gyms in New York City and this year and I want to try at least one of every single class, this may sound extreme but I think it will really bring a new dimension to my time at the gym and with classes in yoga, cardio, conditioning, martial arts, Pilates studio cycling, conscious movement, and water workouts I have a lot to look forward to!
- When I made this goal I had no idea that my gym offered 32 different classes! After consulting my Excel spreadsheet I was delighted to find out that I have been to more than half of them, and thus, I am on target to reach my goal. My favorites so far have been bootcamp, swim team, and Jukari. I was extremely disappointed to find out that Jukari Fit to Fly was being cancelled.
- Jukari is described as Cirque du Soleil training at its best. Imaginative cardio, strength, balance & core training on a unique FlySet strengthens & lengthens your body while creative choreography keeps you mentally challenged. Basically, Reebok + Cirque du Soleil = JUKARI Fit to Fly. I love this class and the instructor, Lynze Schiller, trying to explain it to people becomes very difficult. As the instructor and I have bonded over the last few months she was gracious enough to take a short video of me practicing my favorite part of the class, the jumps. Please excuse the Ssweatiness, this class is hard!

Amber says
I love the “say thank you” one. I’m always trying to say thank you or compliment a stranger. It’s nice to make someone’s day!
Janna Renee says
I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions, but I try to live by these things on the reg. Great job, girlie!
Sinem says
I do the same check and control as the half of the year passes! Congratulations for your commitment!!!
sofia says
I really love your updates…Great work
Mira says
Can’t believe half of the year is already over. I wanted to eat healthier and do some workout and stop to eat french fries. I haven’t succeeded yet. You’re doing way better with your resolutions <3
Eva M. says
How much I agree with you! The last six months have flown away indeed!
Really nice post!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
Diana Horsfall says
great post
Olivia says
Keep it up, girl! I cannot believe we’re already half way through 2013! Time is flying.
Spoonful Of Diamonds says
its great that you keep up!!
Katie says
you’re doing great on your goals! good idea to re-evaulate as most people forget about their resolutions a long time ago!
Head to Toe Chic says
Love your updates! I plan on eating healthier after the 4th, lets hope it goes well! Having an adventures sounds like such a good idea too π
Sam says
Hi dear, these were great resolutions to start with and your progress is admirable, as most people would have completely forgotten to follow these the day after new years.Thanks for your wonderful words over at mine, hope your week kindly surprises you π
Jill J @ Classy with a Kick says
How fun…I need to do this. I always forget my goals a month in! That class looks so fun. I love creative classes like that. I get too bored working out. I need to mix it up!
Classy with a Kick
Arushi Khosla says
Such a nifty idea to re-visit your own goals. I’d do it but I’m mildly terrified to see how far back I’ve fallen on much too many of them. Thanks for sharing!
x Arushi +
nancy @ adore to adorn says
I love that you re-visited your goals and checked your progress! I forget to do that myself and this post motivates me to do so!!
Helene says
love love love these goals. i wish that i thought to think of this in january! oh well I guess I can start now?!
Hanna Lei says
This is really an inspiring list to read! Hanna Marie
lifeisswede says
Great resolutions, and I say that for half way through the year you are doing great! Keep up the good work!!
Bex Doctor says
Wow! Great list!! Good job!
Personal Style Blog
β₯ vendy β₯ says
love the phyton shoes
The simple life of rich people
Rakel says
Nice post π
TheTinyHeart says
You have done really well with your resolutions! I’m trying to shop smarter too π
The Tiny Heart
mariafelicia magno says
great post!!
Natalia A says
Wonderful resolutions – I don’t even make any, just do what feels right. π
Joy Shana says
Lovely resolution, i never stick to mine:)