If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you know that I have spent the week in Chicago and let me tell you, my first trip to the Windy City was a wild success. I flew to Chicago for training and truly enjoyed my visit. My hotel was in an area of the city called River North and with my schedule at work I had a few hours to explore the city one afternoon. Let me say, what a cool city. The architecture was amazing and the next time I am back I hope to take the architectural boat tour. Until then, I had a great time zigzagging over the bridges; the weather was a perfect crisp afternoon. I walked around Millennium Park and saw the world famous Bean, which really is as amazing as it looks in photos. On my way back to the office I walked up Magnificent Mile and without over 460 stores in eight city blocks – it is a very interesting, condensed version of Fifth Avenue. Here are the pictures from my afternoon of exploring:
My last night in Chicago, Valentine’s Day, I went with a few coworkers to see an Improv show at the world famous Second City. I have been dying to go since I read about Tina Fey’s time there in BossyPants and the show surely did not disappoint. We saw Four Girls and a Guy – a One Night Stand with Second City. The two and a half hour show was great and I highly recommend it to anyone, native or tourist!
Overall, I had a great time and am excited to go back next month, by New York, New York will ALWAYS by “my” city.
Have you been to Chicago? Did you enjoy it?
Ps. Next week I am taking a break for all of the usual things I blog about to expand on my bucket list. There are lots of amazing places on there that I have been fortunate enough to visit and I will be highlighting and explaining some of my favorite journeys. Get ready for this “past adventures” series!Pps. It has come to my attention that many people who were subscribed to Sparkles & Shoes via email got an email from Feedburner this morning to confirm their subscription. I am sorry about this and if you did not get one and you should have please email sign up on my sidebar, thanks!

Nikki says
I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago – but I think I might have to go during the summer when it’s a tad bit warmer… though it looked like you guys had pretty good weather! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m running a giveaway right now and would love for you to enter it.
Nikki at http://www.bedazzlesafterdark.com
Enter my giveaway to win a Monogrammed Leather Clutch here
Love and Ace says
Wow looks like such a fabulous trip – thank you for sharing! x, Kat
Love and Ace
Judy says
Great photos!! I visited Chicago last year and loved it!! That bean and the corn on the cob shaped structure are amazing!
so anthro says
I love Chicago! I have family there and wish I made it to visit more often. Adore your snapshots– looks so fun!
xx, Emily
Andiepants says
I would love to travel to Chicago too! Everyone tells me it is such a beautiful and city! Lately, I have been seeing too many pics of the bean in my instagram and FB feeds! lol
Andie’s Traveling Pants
Helena Nicolau says
Hi dear! I just found your blog, do you want to follow each other? Just let me know! See ypu soon, kisses
Sweetmona says
lovely pics!
sonia de macedo says
I’d love to see Chicago one day, so much intriguing architecture! Have fun in your adventures!
Chymecindy** says
Wow what a lovely city. I havent been to US and wish i can go there someday. Love your photos by the way.
ifs ands Butts says
So fun – I still am dying to visit Chicago!
Geraldine Chua says
Amazing pictures! Chicago is definitely on my list of places to visit!
x Gi
weheartbeautyblog says
I’ve never been to Chicago but it’s definitely on my list. Great pics!
xox Lara http://www.weheartbeautyblog.com
Caitie Schlisserman says
love all of the big buildings – nothing like architecture to make a city feel special!
Lady à la Mode
Diana Marks says
Beautiful photos! I always wanted to visit Chicago!
LA By Diana Live Magazine
s says
amazing photos! xO!
Danavee says
I have ALWAYS wanted to hit up Chicago! Great pics!
Miuw says
OH I feel like traveling now ^^
Megan Keith says
Lovely pictures 🙂 I am your latest follower, hope that you will follow back
Lian says
the pictures are amazing! and it looks like you had alot of fun time there! i’m so jealous!!!
by the way, have a great day!
Jessica says
Lovely pictures!!
The Fashion Heels
Mélo l'imparfaite says
how fun ! I’d like to visit there !
Jessica says
How fun! I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago!
Michelle says
I’ve lived most of my life in Chicago and love it! It’s my favorite place! I’m glad you loved Second City, the shows are always a blast.
xx Michelle
Fierce & Fashionable
Betsy says
Those photos are great! I’ve done a couple of posts on things to see in Chicago let me know if you need any more suggestions for your next visit! I love talking about my city!!
Dara says
awesome pictures! I look forward to reading about your past adventures!
Georgia Benjamin says
Chi-Town looks amazing!
Great images!
Would love to follow each other on bloglovin/GFC
Let me know if youre following with a comment and I always follow back.
Great blog!
Love G xx
Zuzana Konecna says
Beautiful photos!
Sophia M says
Love all these pics!
xoxo Sophia
Blush says
Love Chicago, lovely city. Great photos
Angela says
Gorgeous pictures I’ve always wanted to go visit Chicago xx
Unknown says
lovely pictures
Raising Reagan says
I LOVE Chicago! My husband and I visited for a couple days for a friend’s wedding and went to a Nascar race at Chicagoland. It was a blast. We can’t wait to go back to that city and share it with Reagan! {In the Spring or Summer of course!}
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Kacie Cone says
I’ve never been to Chicago but my dad went to college there so we raves about it all the time! Looks like your had a great time 🙂
Maya M says
Beautiful pictures!seems like you had fab time!
Real College Student of Atlanta says
great photos — Chicago is so fun!!
Ami Church says
Hi, I’m a new follower. 🙂
I love Chicago! It’s definitely one of my favorite cities. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
a champagne dream