These are my favorite quotes from the first season of the show:
“The Redneck Games is a lot like the Olympics but with a lot of missing teeth and butt cracks showing.” — June
“Etiquette classes are for stupid people.” — Honey Boo Boo
“I hope Mama don’t eat Glitzy. She eats everything else.” — Honey Boo Boo on her baby pig Glitzy
“I like to get down and dirty redneck style.” — Honey Boo Boo
“Don’t tell nobody, but all of Pumpkin’s clothes come from the dumpster.” — Honey Boo Boo
“I wish I had an extra finger, then I could grab more cheeseballs.” – Honey Boo Boo on Kaitlyn’s extra thumb
“Ain’t nothing wrong with being a little gay, everyone’s a little gay.” – Honey Boo Boo on her Uncle Poodle
Here is the schedule, starting this evening!
Halloween – Sunday, January 6 at 9 p.m. EST
Thanksgiving – Sunday, January 13 at 9 p.m. EST
Clip Show – Sunday, February 10 at 8 p.m. EST
Christmas – Sunday, February 17 at 8 p.m. EST
Thanksgiving – Sunday, January 13 at 9 p.m. EST
Clip Show – Sunday, February 10 at 8 p.m. EST
Christmas – Sunday, February 17 at 8 p.m. EST
She is back! I am so excited! Are you going to be watching the Honey Boo Boo holiday special?

Hallie @ Life:Oceanside says
I seriously missed the premiere?!?!? I am dying inside right now! I really hope it is on demand when I get home!
So excited to be following along, your blog is AHHHHH dorable! :):)
Ali W. says
HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOSH. This show is so addicting. I mean, I HAVE to watch it when it’s on!!
Wynne Prasetyo says
hahaha gosh Honey Boo Boo is so cute!
FierceandFashionable says
“You better REDNECK-ognize”.
HAHAHAHA, we quote Honey Boo Boo and laugh at work about her all the time!
Michelle, Fierce & Fashionable
Alina says
Ohmy! Such a ridiculous yet funny show, they are too much! Hahah.
Christine Yun says
That girl is sooo ridiculous and cute. I don’t watch the show but always hear about it and have seen clips of it haha.
s says
love those shoes! xO!
hahaha shes so cute!
♥ Ellen
Rory says
HONEY BOO BOO OMG HAHAH! Seeing shows like this…it’s not hard to see why foreigners see America the way they do lol 🙂
Enter my Fifth and Orient giveaway and check back everyday this week for ANOTHER new giveaway!
Stanislava Encheva says
I have never watched it! I guess it’s funny!
Sun and Sany
Becky says
This show is hilarious. It’s also my guilty pleasure hahaha
Krystal says
I recently watched a few episodes. It’s pretty funny. Definitely a guilty pleasure.
Treasure Tromp says
I have still yet to see this show. For some reason this branch of reality tv doesn’t do it for me – I’m more of a Housewives kind of girl
Agnieszka (Aga) Guerrero Olesinska says
Interesting post!
Check my new post
Paula RL says
LOL love it!
XOXO, Collage Minimalista
Alexandra Lackey says
Just found out today there were going to be holiday specials! I am so excited 🙂
Pamela Leon says
Haha love this program! It’s hilarious, one of the bests!
Btw, thanks so much for the nice comment on my blog. I already follow you on GFC, hope you too! And if you want, we can follow each other on other platforms. Just let me know!
Have a lovely day,
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Real College Student of Atlanta says
she’s from GA too so I couldn’t help but watch — glad it’s back!! 🙂
Coley says
I am so excited to watch tonight!!! One of my favorite shows! Everyone makes fun of me for loving it but I don’t care, pure ridiculousness that grosses me out but makes me laugh at the same time.
Karla says
I have never watched, but I’ve heard lots of good things… so I may watch this time!
Cute halloween outfit!! Love it! =)
The blonde on heels says
oh it looks so funny! I’m going to watch it!
Milana - TastyPrettyThings says
I have not watched the show but I’ve heard it’s great from so many people! 🙂